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Training You And Your Dog To Be Happy

27 16:29:50
Most canines aren't just people's "pets" ... They are part of the family. And just like children, dogs require lots of time, care and love to become the happy dog they should become. YOU have to teach them right from wrong in order to be a proud parent. The bottom line to any kind of dog training is patience and consistency. Whether you're dog is housebreaking or potty training, crate training, obedience training, learning their name, walking on a leash, needs to stop barking, learning tricks or whatever ... Dog training basics is a task and a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Dogs like routines, establish a good behavioral routine and you will both be happier. The dog should respond to your command and when you call. Training will aid in keeping your dog and everyone who comes in contact with your dog safe.

You can become overwhelmed if you don't take control of the situation fast. You are the alpha ... the leader of the pack. Try to stay calm. Never reward behavior you don't want to keep happening. Keep a positive attitude. Be firm and friendly at all times. You and your four legged friend need to have fun when training. By investing the time and energy in properly training will bond you and your dog closer. Expect mistakes and be realistic with your goals and what to expect, you'll less likely feel like a failure by doing so ... you just need to find the right method and then voila ... success. You will be happy with positive results and your dog will be happier knowing what is expected of him!

Remember different dogs need different training techniques. What breed of dog you own, their age, personality and characteristics depend on what they learn and how fast they learn them. The technique that works best for most all dogs is the positive reinforcement method. Dog training collars have good intentions, but are dangerous for your dog. The praise technique is much better then creating fear in your dog, plus will make training easy for you and fun for both of you. If you consistently reward and praise your dog, that will motivate the proper behavior. You need to find the technique that works best for you and your pooch, training your dog isn't just at specific training times but through your day to day activities. Undoing some things that have been done wrong even though you may not have known they were wrong may be where you have to start so your dog can be retrained.

Did you know by simply neutering your pet you can stop lots of aggression problems? Did you know crate training is not a punishment? It is a pleasure; their own special place.

The more you know the more comfortable you will be training your dog. Researching and studying how to train your dog is important in order to succeed at your goals. You must educate yourself so you don't lose patience and are mentally prepared for what lies ahead. Training aides include ... dog articles, dog training books and dog training videos that show dog training problems and the successes others have had so you know what to expect and when. There are tons of dog training and puppy training tips available. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish. Find the answers ... Be the dog trainer. If you own a dog, it is important to know how to train a dog.

Bonding with your furry friend while having fun educating the both of you is the key to keeping you and your dog happy! A happy dog owner owns a happy dog!