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How To Prevent Your Dog From Jumping On People

27 16:29:19
Three Tips That Will Have Your Dog Greeting You and Your Home Visitors On Normal Levels

Whenever your dog is happy to see you or other people, they may show it by jumping. This can be very dangerous if your dog is heavy and tall. After all, your dog is going to make a huge vertical leap and that's generally because they're designed to do this. Yet, if you want to prevent your dog from jumping on people, you need to first learn how to prevent your dog from jumping on people. You certainly don't want him/her in your family and friends' faces all the time.

Believe it or not, it doesn't take a rocket science degree to learn how to prevent your dog from jumping on people. It is, in fact, the easiest thing to solve when it comes to your canine friend. Do you need to know how to prevent your dog from jumping on people? Utilize the following three tips to help control your dog's jumping behavior today.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Jumping On People: 3 Important Tips To Gain Control Over Your Dog's Bad Jumping Habits

1 - Why Is Your Dog Jumping

Okay� most people think they know why their dog is jumping but if you want to know how to prevent your dog from jumping� you really have to know why your dog is jumping. There is always a reason for the jump. After all, they don't do it because they want to be in your face. The main reason is that they're trying to be assertive and dominant over new people in your home. Your dog wants those people to know he/she is the alpha and he/she controls the area.

It's not always the case that your dog is jumping on people to show dominance over them. Sometimes dogs doing it to be closer to the person so as to greet them. Keep in mind that dogs smell one another's faces to say hello so it should be of no surprise they do it with humans too.

They may also be jumping up on your guests because someone, in the past, rewarded them for that behavior. If you reward your canine for jumping up, you're basically telling him/her that it's okay to do. That's not what you want to do. This is very important to remember when you learning how to prevent your dog from jumping on people.

2 - Time To Stop Your Dog's Jumping

Now, it's time to learn how to prevent your dog from jumping on people. The first thing you need to do is to stop acting like coming back home is a big deal. Yes! You are home but it's just another day. You certainly don't want your dog jumping on you as soon as you get home so if you don't make a big deal out of it� neither will your pup. Thus, when strangers come over, he/she will know it's just another person in the house. After all, you don't want her jumping on children or elderly people who come into your home.

How can you get him/her to recognize that you're home and that it's not that overly a big deal? Upon your getting home, wait about 15 minutes before you say hi to your dog. By doing this, you disassociate your coming home from their excited behavior. You should also get down on the floor level (with them) to say your hellos.

If your pup is just trying to reach your face to give you greetings, you should get down to his/her level and let them do it that way. If you remove the jumping need for greeting, you can show him/her that greetings should only be done at this low level.

Be sure you teach your dog certain commands for him/her to respond to, as these can be quite useful. Teach them first how to sit and stay� then show them the "off" command. This command will tell them immediately you do not want them on you or anyone else for that matter. This is a very important "how to prevent your dog from jumping on people" tip.

3 - Get Your Dog Acquainted With The "Off" Command

Now if you're looking to know how to prevent your dog from jumping on people, you must teach them the all-important "off" command. The moment your dog jumps on you, command him/her "off". It'll take some time for them to understand it and this can be aggravating for you. However, the moment they get down, reward them for it by giving them a treat and praise.

Be consistent in your teachings with the new command. Let everyone who comes into the home and lives there to stick with it so that your dog won't become confused. Your dog will learn much quicker the command if everyone sticks by it.

You certainly don't want anyone to get hurt because your dog is jumping on them. Jumping dogs can be extremely upsetting to children and the elderly because they can fall over. Thus, you must know how to prevent your dog from jumping on people and teach them what is not acceptable as soon as possible. Believe it or not, your dog will pick up on this rule rather quickly� so long as you are consistent.