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The Electronic Collar And Its Introduction

27 16:13:08
Thinking they can skip over training their dog with the hand, voice and whistle methods, many new and unknowledgeable dog owners go out and buy an electronic collar when first get their puppy or new dog.
However, before you put an electronic collar on your puppy or dog of any age, burn this into your mind: The electronic collar is only used for reinforcing the commands and behaviors your dog already knows. It is not used for teaching the dog new commands.
Submitting your dog to electronic collar pressure before he knows what’s expected of him is a good way to severely set back his training and even, in some cases for sensitive and more passive dogs, ruin his basic training ability. This is all covered very well in the Richard A. Wolter’s DVD and the new book �Top Dog�. See for details.
Used properly, however, the electronic collar is a wonderful and humane way to reinforce the basics and the dog’s hunting training. In fact, the �Top Dog� DVD actually depicts a red dot on the screen whenever the electronic collar is applying pressure. The electronic collar gives you, the trainer, the ability to control your dog at great distances. It acts like an invisible 500 to 1000 foot check cord! Your dog learns that whenever he is not obeying the command that he already knows, he gets stimulated. The amount of pressure applied by electronic collar (which doesn’t harm the dog physically) is adjusted to each dog individually. And, he learns that he can turn off this stimulation (pressure) by responding to command the way he was taught.
Any of you, who have chased a dog across a field, trying to catch and correct the behavior, you can appreciate this ability to instantly accomplish it with the touch of a button. Plus, the electronic collar is to never use to punish a dog. It’s tempting to take your frustration out on a dog with the electronic collar but that’s a fast way to confuse and ruin your dog’s training process.
In summary, if you want to rapidly advance your dog’s training and have a dog that you’re proud of in the duck blind or the field, the electronic collar, used in the correct way, will get you there much faster.
There are different types of dog shock collars in the market, which you can use to discouraging your dog from bad, guiding and restraining your dog. However, It's really necessary to use the appropriate dog shock collars, if you don't want to hurt your dog, so you need to choose the right dog shock collars.
The Electronic Collar for Big Dogs is the 1st entire featured remote trainer created for both the professional dog trainer and the average dog owner who have no dog training experience. This collar can be used to control any inappropriate behavior such as chewing furniture, barking, digging or jumping to guests. It aslo can be used for basic obedience training such as teaching the "sit" command.