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Halt Puppy Barking With These Effective &World-Class Tricks

27 12:17:27
I've been raising and training doggies my whole life,

and have a group
of years of show exposure in the ring too. I have

gone through
plenty of obedience and 4H training guidance, and have indefinitely corrected my decent

number of fluffy behavioral

troubles. Probably the most difficult by far actually is how to put an end

to a puppy from barking.

Let's first address the mistakes that many people make. I had a buddy who had
a Boxer, and despite the fact that the dog was really adorable, he wouldn't be quiet.
My friend would get so agitated that he would use an empty soup can
containing a good deal of wallet change, with the top taped off. This would
act as a 'shaker' to silence the dog. Only one issue -- It

failed to work.

Don't raise your voice at the pup or try to harass it's ears with

more noise. When you bump up your voice, the pup will instead

think that you are barking with him. The other forms of noises are too harmful to

the pet, and it will
praise the behavior, perhaps

causing the dog to imagine that the noise is
fun and a positive thing and that he should pursue barking to keep the noise lasting.

Be consistent. If you are going to stop your puppy from barking, you
can't let him slide sometimes and then correct him some of the time.
This means getting your entire household on board, or it can't work.

Before I reveal this trick to you, you must come to grips with why your
best friend is barking up front. He's doing so to get attention
or he associates something positive with his noise making, or both.

If your puppy is shouting out the window at passers-by or other

pets passing by, get him away from the window. If he barks at

items in your house, such as a television -- place him in another
room. Remove him from the place of activity.

Now for the tactic which I think will be helpful to you. You have to take
the intensity away from the situation, and direct him like you
would a adolescent. If your child is starting up, you might not want to
give into their poor response. One way you could do this
is to not pay attention the child.

Well, you can do that with the dog as well. Next time he commences
barking, don't play into it. rotate your back and quiet him
without uttering a word. Eventually he will know that he gets
more attention when he is still, and that when he barks it's not
as positive anymore.

Just remember to reward him with a treat when he performs well.

Remember though, this doesn't start all at once, and your collective
family must work with you to cease the pup from making noise. Another
strategy that you may find helpful is to "show your

dog to speak", by moving forward with what he is already doing. Use the command "speak"
while he's loud and reward him with a treat.

If it feels like he understands the speak command, introduce the
"quiet" command and utilize a reward with that one as also. This trick
to quiet a dog from barking can suggest some time, but it uses a little
reverse psychology and can work well.