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Get Your K-9 To Stop Excessively Barking At The Door Bell

27 12:17:26
Human talk. Birds chirp. A dog bark. Every single barking always results from a reason. However when a dogs bark is just as consistent as its breathing that is a serious issue. The door bell sounds is one of the motivation for dog to bark constantly to anyone who'll appear from behind the door.

This everyday barking habits will provide you trouble except if you're living away from everyone and no one ever visits you. It is definitely a very embarrassing condition when our dog barking continuously while we are not have the power to stop our dog behavior in front of the visitor.

Not all visitor could enjoy and have a pleasurable visit with your dog barking continuously. Along with such noise you will not be able to have a proper conversation with your guest. The situation will become even worse if your dog not just bark but additionally jump to each and every guest you have. This type of situation is always depressing and frustrating. You will realise that stopping this behavior is a bit challenging. But using a method known as desensitization this problem can be address easily.

There are several phases required for a total desensitization. You should train your dog the basic sit and heel command first prior to move to the next step. You can continue to the next phase if or when your dog have already know these commands.

Step 1
When your dog knows how to Sit and Heel, this means that you can command the dog to sit away from the door. Whenever your dog does this, reinforce him by giving a dog biscuit for his obedience and remaining in a sit position. Dogs are really smart animals. He understands that whenever he is doing your command he receive a goody. Repeat this step until your dog sit for long enough before proceeding to phase two.

Step 2
This requires training your dog to sit straight in front of the door whilst you open it. In case the dog resists to sit during the time you open the door, correct with a NO command and tell him to Sit once again. A leash shall be really necessary for the exercise to lead your dog to return the first sit spot every time they move.

Step 3
Find a person to involve with the training by making them imitating a real guest at your door. Command your dog to Sit. Let your visitor enter only when your dog maintains a sitting spot. If your dog gets up, correct using a NO. And then lead your dog to the first sit position again. Wait until eventually your dog well behaved before you can let the visitor to enter the door. To get a better result you should have your friend or family to imitate the guest. A real guest will wonder if you missed your appointment with the doctor.

Step 4
When you're successful with phase three, finally add the doorbell to the training. This will be the final piece of the training but also the most challenging. Correct your dog if they move from sit spot and treat them for remains on the spot every time they hear the doorbell rings. Through doing this your canine will slowly know that a particular behavior is incorrect while the other is correct.