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Training Your Dog To Understand You

27 12:14:00
The dog training professionals agree that the best way (and certainly the most humane) to do dog obedience training is through the use of positive reinforcement training. This phrase refers to the use of positive reinforcement rewarding good behavior and ignoring unwanted behavior.

This method stands in stark contrast to outmoded dog training methods which included inhumane measures. Trying to force your dog to change behavior under intimidation or pain is not longer a method to train your dog.

The fact is that positive reinforcement works with dogs. Your dog wants to make you happy, meaning that positive reinforcement works better with dogs and is better remembered.

Here are some ways to make dog obedience training with positive reinforcement an easier process for you and your best friend: Use these tips to train your dog and make good training progress.

1. Do dog training with good rewards. While your dog does like being praised and getting a pat on the head, this will only go so far in training your dog to behave well. To really keep your dogs attention, you need to use food rewards. These are what dog trainers call primary incentives and every dog owner knows how food-motivated a dog can be!

2. Give rewards at the right time. Timing is everything when you are training your dog. Give a command, if he follows it, give him a reward immediately. Delayed rewards will get confused training results. You dog will not know what to do to get that reward. You will lose control of your dog obedience training session.

Many people use a clicker for dog training. A clicker is a small metal device which makes a click-click sound. Click your clicker at the exact moment that your dog obeys a command, followed immediately by a treat. Your dog learns to associate the action, click and the treat.

A click is not a necessity for dog training. If you have a strong voice you can use voice like clicker. Use a comment like yes, good boy, with a voice tone that is happy, loving, and strong. Be consistent with the words you use. Do not change from one phrase to another.

When you start with your dog obedience training, determine what type of command technique you will use. Dont use the clicker one day and your strong voice the next. Always be consistent with the way you train your dog. This will eventually let your dog know that it is training time. If you make training fun, your dog will look forward to dog training time.

Some dog are very smart and some even appear to be human in the way they relate to you. But most dogs react to only a few words that they can understand. To teach new commands to create new behaviors, use your predetermined commands over and over until you can see that your dog is starting to understand.

If you stick with your dog obedience training method, your dog will learn much more quickly and youll be much happier with the results of your dog training as well. Take your time when you train your dog and you and your dog will have a lot of fun.