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It Is Easy To Train Your Dog

27 12:13:49
Does your dog enjoy his walks, but you hate it. This article will trigger your excitement to enjoy it to take your dog on regular long walks and at the same time improve your health.

Dog training is both frustrating and rewarding. It is not in the interest of your dog to torment him for months on end, trying to get him to understand commands, that to him seems irrelevant.

However, the quicker he learns these commands it is the best for all concerned. I am of the opinion that the dog will understand what is expected from him and that a combined trust will develop between the two of you. This of course is a beneficial relationship. You get what you want and your dog gets what he wants.

The professional dog trainers say that the dog is actually happier because your dogs rules and boundaries are laid down. Your dog will test you, to see how far he can push you because he wants you to define his limitations, in his place in the household. I am not sure how convincing this argument is but it makes sense, in the same way as your children rules are set during your care and up brining of them.

For this reason among others dog training is as an important part of any household, that has a dog. I have seen dogs on a chain at all times with no affection or love because to them he is irrelevant. This might be because nobody in the family made an effort to train the dog. He is just a pet for the sake of having a pet.

Dogs that simply do not listen can be a handful. We all have encountered them at some stage, whether it is your own dog or somebody else dog. All that the dog need is some obedience training. Obedience training is a way of communication between you and your dog. Obedience training doesn't cure all of the dog's bad behaviors but it is a start. Obedience training is a terrific way to start your dogs training. After he conquers the basic commands, you can train him to do other things such as tricks, agility whatever you may choose. It is important that your dog receive some basic obedience training.

There are a lot of obedience training classes available. Some pet shops even offer this type of training. Ask your veterinarian recommendation for an obedience trainer. The training should be fun for you and your dog, remember it is a learning process. Consistency and patience is of vital importance. You must follow through with what the dog has learned when the trainer is not there. If you don't follow through your dog may never learn to listen to you.

To summarize this article it is in the interest to both you, that your dog is a happy and healthy dog. Set some goals and follow them. Goal setting has given thousands of people all over the world a successful life.