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Dog Training - Making Dogs Effective And Functional Members Of The Society

27 12:12:37
Dogs are well-known to be one of the first four-legged animals that were trained and domesticated by the men and women of the old times. This is because apart from keeping them company, these furry creatures can be very much effective and functional in making their day-to-day roles and activities a whole lot easier. As of the moment, dogs have been playing large and important roles in our society. This is the reason as to why dog training is very popular these days. Find below are a couple of things these canines can do and contribute for the community of Homo sapiens.

1. The Protector

• This one is probably one of the longest and most well-known roles of these four-legged animals. During the medieval ages, dogs are used to protect tax collector from bandits and ambush robberies.
• Farm dogs are especially trained to keep a look out for wolves or any other predators that might come and attack the flock of sheep and the herd of cows that are grazing in the grass lands. In addition to this, these canines are also taught to chase after rodents that might cause harm to the crops in the field and barn.
• Furthermore, we can also find a lot of dogs who are working with the FBI's and other security enforces in our community. This is simply due to the fact that these furry creatures tend to be able to sense danger easier.
• In addition to this, the senses of these animals are more sensitive than us humans. This is the reason as to why they are now also commonly used in detecting bombs and other explosives as well as a guide during search and rescue missions.

2. The Man's Best Friend

• A lot of us would probably agree with this very famous saying. This is because they are very much known for their loyalty to their owner.
• In addition to this, these animals are loyal and affectionate. In all actuality, there is even a study conducted by researchers that dogs demonstrate a "flexible understanding" with regards to the point of view of humans.
• We can hear and read a lot of touching stories about canines who shows extreme love and loyalty to their owners.

3. The Care Givers

• We can see a lot of older men and women who would usually have these four-legged creatures as their home companions. A lot of these animals are especially taught to look after these people.
• Simple companionship given by these animals provide emotional support to plenty of individuals.
• Dogs also serve as guide to those who are handicapped. They serve as eyes for the blind persons.
• Furthermore, we can also find dog training schools who teach these canines to sense and detect signs and symptoms of chronic diseases in order for them to be able to call for assistance during medical emergencies.