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Training Your Canine By Using A PetSafe Power Doggie Fence : Weeks Time One.

26 12:00:52

Training Your Canine By Using A PetSafe Power Doggie Fence : Weeks Time One.


During the training process it is VERY IMPORTANT you do not let your dog run off lead while in the yard with or without wearing canine fence collar. If you do, it will confuse him and you'll have to re-start the entire electric dog fence training process. It would be best to keep him on a leash through first week. But, never walk your canine friend over the boundary line on the leash. This may confuse him from the beginning. Eventually, you will be able to take him with you over the boundary over a leash - this is called "Doorway Training" and you will talk about this later. But for now, if he needs to leave this yard, place him in the automobile, or carry him well over to the other side of the signal industry. Don't forget to REMOVE HIS ELECTRIC DOG FENCE COLLAR before taking him from your yard by either of these a couple of options, or he will get adjusted as he leaves.

To allow the dog to become accustomed to the dog collar probes hlzsj801-3 on his neck remove the collar after each workout during the first week. After which, remove the dog fence collar each night for the next three weeks. Eventually he could wear the dog fence collar all the time, but it may take some time for him to develop a tolerance to the probes on your receiver. Clean both the probes along with the dogs neck every evening for the first 30 days.

The training flags are available for two reasons. First, to give your dog a visual boundary and secondly that can assist you with the training process. The flags needs to be installed about 12" to your yard side around the dog fence wire in the ground. All of the flags will remain within the yard for about 30 days.

Remember the PetSafe electric dog fence training must be fun, and not stressful at most of. If other family members are assisting in the training sessions, it is vitally important that everyone follows the very same technique. Make each session short in addition to upbeat (5 to10 minutes max). Many dogs have extremely short attention spans and training can be very tiring for them, so don't get discouraged if he doesn't "get it" to begin with - they will eventually learn.

Days 1 to 3 Place a leash with your dog using a flat collar or a slip collar, Never place the leash directly about the receiver collar. Prior to placing doggie fence collar on your dog, turn canine fence collar to the lowest electricity setting. Your dog needs to first be taught the way to respond to the flags. Walk in your dog within the containment area in the yard and praise and play having him.

Now, proceed towards the teaching flags. As your dog head passes the flags, give a quick horizontal or downward "jerk and release" correction on the leash. Bring your dog back about 10 feet in to the containment area and praise him. The "jerk and release" could be the only negative reinforcement your dog desires. There is no verbal correction desired. The PetSafe dog collar will be giving your canine a warning tone before the very light correction they are getting at the flags. You should tailor the corrections for a pets' personality, temperament, size and type.

Each training session should only very last about 5 to 10 minutes. Enter the containment area at various places and target areas that the family typically would certainly leave the yard ( ie: front yard, sidewalk or path your dog utilizes now to leave). Soon you should see your pet turn to avoid the flags. This shows that they are learning. Make sure you play using your dog in the containment area to signify him time spent in the yard is often a pleasant experience. This will prevent your pet from becoming timid or afraid starting the yard.

Remember, keep him on a leash during this first week, even going outside to the bathroom. Some puppies will "pick up" the training sooner than others. Before proceeding to Period 2, be sure that your dog is content with run and play in the lot, generally avoiding the flags. If possibly not, spend an extra day or not one but two flag training. Training is simply following the play blocks - you cannot proceed to Stage 2 without first completing the flag training.