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Getting Leashes And Harness For Dogs And Cats Is Easy Now

27 18:06:45

Getting Leashes and Harness for dogs and cats is easy now.

It is a great idea to let your cat or dog be on the leashes and harness and enjoy an outer environment and is also a great opportunity for the animal to explore things on their own. The very idea of leaving them out with the lashes and harness set the mood exciting for the dog and cat to have a ball. The idea of leaving them on their own with dog lashes or dog collars or harness sets the pace up for them to get their problems solved like physical and mental complications of varied nature.

Let’s see some of the easy steps for dogs and cats to have leashes and harness

1) Arrange for materials first- You would need harness and a leash. Take the measurement of your cat’s or dog’s chest bring it to the notice of a local pet store and for harness it will just say harness for cats and depending upon the size of your animals, adjust it and see how many inches to be stretched. Make sure to get it correct on your dogs and cats. Try to help them with treats for encouragement.

2) Don’t stress the animal on first day- It would be advisable to not let the animals get stressed on first day. Give loads of attention to the animal and pamper them so that they get adjusted to the harness and leashes.

3) Time to train- Give your cats and dogs some liberty to roam in the house don’t give too much directions as it may scare the animal to get used to the dog or cat leashes and harness. If the cat or dog does not come out on your directions, call them with the help of a treat so that they get classically conditioned. Try to move the cat or dog and give some small treat. Repeat the process for 8-10 times

4) Its all in the mind- When the cats or dogs does not go out with leashes and harness on avoid giving him/her any attention for a while, when you put the dog leashes, then give him very much attention so that he gets an idea that he is being pampered with dog collars on, so play the mind game well to make your pets get used to harness and leashes.

Dog leashes are good for them to explore world

The idea of dog collars, dog leashes and harness is quite easy to get them used to the world that’s outside them. With such equipments, the dogs and cats would get confidence to explore the world and enjoy a freedom with a new dimension to life.

Take the plunge of Indian pet store to acquire dog collars, dog harness, dog leashes, cat leashes, cat harness etc with ease!