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Help Your Dog Become Better Trained - Read Here!

27 18:03:47
Enforcing negatively may cause your dog to fear you. Positive reinforcement is the best way to go and gain the trust of your dog.

Focus on the things your dog is telling you in order to know what things that he doesn't want. Do not take your dog around people until they are used to it, ease them in. Your dog is letting you know that he is uncomfortable for good reason, and it is important to honor that. In this sort of situation, pushing your dog outside of his comfort zone can result in inappropriate behavior or even biting.

Timing is of the utmost importance when it comes to training your dog, so make sure you spend lots of time training, but don't overdo it. Begin with small sessions and increase the time daily. Note how far into the training session your dog loses his attention span. That's the time to quit.

A great way to keep your dog from rummaging through the garbage is to make sure he has lots of toys and is well fed. Make sure that you take out your trash frequently, and try to keep things that your dog will not be able to resist out of there. Always put your dog in a crate when you leave home.

Don't automatically assume that your dog will not bite you due to the fact that you are human and you are therefore the leader. If your dog isn't trained, they may believe you are in his pack; however, they may believe that they are the leader, not you. Knowing the alpha behaviors you must demonstrate to the dog is a good way to signal your leadership status. Even calm dogs will bite they are confused about human behavior.

Keep a spray bottle handy to deter your dog when it tries to bite people or things. This helps show him that you will not tolerate certain behaviors. In short order, the dog is sure to cease such behavior, and assume the role of fun, yet obedient animal.

If your dog barks a lot, try getting them accustomed to whatever causes the problem. For example, many dogs bark because of a sound, other animals or people. Your dog will know the difference and will understand that there's no reason to bark when presented these situations.

When your dog exhibits undesirable behavior, do not send the wrong signals. If you show your pet amusement when he does something good, he will most likely repeat it. This will delay your training and it could lead to frustration. Correcting the behavior and showing that you are displeased will help to make training much easier.

Anytime your dog does something good, make sure you reward him. It is important for the dog to realize when he exhibits the proper behavior in response to your commands. Doing so leaves no question as to whether a behavior is considered acceptable or strictly forbidden.

If traveling with your dog, be sure to pack all of the things you will need to keep him happy on your travels. Bring food and water bowls, waste baggies and treats for a good trip. Don't fret about slugging along the big bag of dog food as you can simply pick up more dog food at your destination.