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Aym 300 Hour-what Is Yoga Therapy?

27 18:02:12
AYM 300 Hour-What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy seeks to utilize the various components of Yoga in order to holistically heal an individual of various ailments or to prevent illnesses from occurring. Yoga therapy is distinct from western approaches to medicine in that yoga therapy aims to heal the underlying cause of an illness rather than treating individual symptoms. According to yoga therapy, various aspects of the self are interrelated. For example, the mind will affect the emotional self and the physical self. Such an approach means that a Yoga therapist may help a client change many aspects of their lives- such as diet and overall lifestyle. Additionally, the yoga therapist may recommend specific asanas or pranayam techniques to treat certain illness. Yoga therapy may be more sustainable because it treats the root causes of illness, but it also may take more time to achieve results because illness takes time to undo.

What is Shivananda Yoga Sequence?
Shivananda is a slower, more meditative style of yoga. The sequence is fixed, so that one will always be doing the same poses in the same order. Between many of the poses, one goes into shavasana in order to regulate the heart rate and regain a slow and steady composure. Good for those seeking a calming and stabilizing yoga practice.

Warm Up;
Eye exercises: 1.) Inhale right, exhale center, inhale left
2.) Inhale up, exhale down
3.) Inhale upper right, exhale lower left � then inhale upper right, exhale lower right
4.) Circular eye movement
Surya namaskar= 10x
Shoulder stand
Plough pose
Fish pose
Crow or peacock
Standing Forward Bend

What is Hatha Vinyasa/ 1 Hour Course?
Hatha vinyasa utilizes a Vinyasa style of movement along with traditional Hatha poses. So this style is dynamic and utilizes vinyasas to link poses. The hatha poses are still held for longer periods of time than in pure flow style. The length of time for each pose depends upon the difficult of the pose. This style is good for those who are familiar with Hatha poses and who would like more challenge or cardiovascular work in their sequence.

Warm up:
Om and mantra
Arm exercises:
Hold arms laterally at shoulder level and rapidly open and close fists, and then move arms in from of body. Then move arms above head and repeat.
Gentle neck stretching. Left, to center. Right, to center. 3x
Neck circles. Approx 2x each side.
Move to standing;
Shoulder shrugs, backwards and forwards.
Standing twists with relaxed arms.

Surya Namaskar 3x
Warrior 1-> Half Moon Pose Right Side
Surya Namaskar
Warrior 1-> Half Moon Pose Left Side
Surya Namaskar
Warrior 2 -> Triangle
Surya Namaskar
Warrior 2 -> Triangle
Surya Namaskar
Utkatasana �> Prayer Twist Right
Surya Namaskar
Utkatasana -> Prayer Twist Left
Surya Namaskar -> Sitting
Shoulder Stand
Plow Pose
Fish Pose

What is Vinyasa Flow/ 1-Hour Course
Vinyasa flow is a very fluid style of yoga. Vinyasa means connected, and in this style the movement is linked with the breath and the entire sequence is linked with vinyasas.This yoga is energizing and gets rid of laziness and has good cardiovascular benefits. It is popular in the west and is a good work out. Vinyasa yoga is good at getting rid of fat.
Warm Up;
OM and mantra
Sitting side stretch: Legs folded, gently lean forward. Then bring arms to right side, palms staying on the flow. Stretch is in side body. Keep both hips grounded. Move to other side.
Cat cow
Neck Stretches; Left, right, and circular.
Shoulder shrugs, backwards and forwards.
Move to standing.
Surya Namaskar A- 5x
Surya Namaskar B- 5x
Warrior 1 ->Half Moon -> Warrior 3 Right side
Warrior 1 ->Half Moon -> Warrior 3 Left side
Warrior 2 -> Prasarita Padottanasana -> Warrior 2 (Left Side)
Vinyasa (facing back of mat)
Warrior 2 -> Prasarita Padottanasana -> Warrior 2 (Right Side)
Move to sitting:
Janu Sirsasana
Marichi's Pose
Shoulder Stand