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Yoga For Kids - What To Do And How To Do It?

27 18:11:10
With evolution of humanity, our lifestyle has changed over the years. Today’s generation is under lot of pressure and stress. The life has become immensely hectic and tiresome for youth as well. The lifestyle changes have affected the kids also. It has been seen in recent surveys that kids are under lot of stress in comparison with the previous generations. There are many factors that have caused such strain, like school, study, peer pressure, never-ending after school curriculum, interest and hobby classes and over scheduling for coaching and many more. All these add-up to a level where they are draining themselves so much that they seek expert assistance. Yoga in such a scenario is the only way out for kids, to de-stress them and keep them energized to follow their dreams in the long run.

Not only giving them a total de-stress mantra, Yoga poses also let them understand and build better body awareness, right from their initial years. Yoga teach the kids with many other subtle human behavior which is needed in the long run and forms the base of their overall character, such as self-control, tolerance, suppleness and coordination.

With constant practice kids are sure to take such characteristics beyond the class and into their daily lives. There are many �asanas’ and poses to deliver effective results. For example - by doing breathing exercises such as three-part breath or camel pose one really can feel the difference in behavior. It builds them and helps retain them better than the grown-ups even, through the life’s vivid situations.

Besides, developing their innate qualities, Yoga is a great way to get hyperactive and attention-seeking kids to change their behavior and become well-mannered and calm. These kids mostly do such activities because they long for movement and stimulus (sensory/ motor). Yoga poses direct their impulses and energies in a positive manner.

Effective yoga poses for kids

Few immensely effective �Yoga-Asanas’ that works particularly well for the kids are �warrior pose’ and �Tree pose’. Children are, by doing these pose, gains confidence, balance and calm. However, Yoga is not restricted to just performing the poses, it transform your entire lifestyle and ought to go beyond the classes. The children are required to understand the benefits and the meaning of these poses. When they understand the meaning behind the poses, it then helps them become like the poses. For example - the Lion pose- it helps make behavioral changes in us, it is meant to encourage us to become strong and confident like Lion.

Other Yoga Asanas for Kids that work effectively:

Forward Bend or Extension - Uttanasana II
Half Shoulderstand - Ardha Sarvangasana
Dog and Cat
Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Head to Knee - Janu Sirshasana
Mountain - Tadasana
Sit/Easy Position - Sukhasana
The Bridge - Sethu Bandhasana
Triangle - Trikonasana
Warrior II - Virabhadrasana II
The Cobra - Bhujangasana
The Corpse - Savasana