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Keeping Your Children And Your Pets Safe

27 18:11:06
Pets can be a lot of fun. They bring joy to the family, but how do you prevent your pet from hurting your child, or your child from hurting your pet?

Start by researching the different breeds of animal you are thinking of getting. If you are looking at a dog, for instance, a Golden Retriever is an excellent choice for a home with children, as they are mild-mannered, and yet protective. Avoid animals known for their fierce natures or jealousy issues.

Second, talk to the pet store or shelter where you are getting the animal. If they have been in contact with the pet for awhile, they will be able to tell you some of the animals past history and behaviors, the personality of the animal and if they have noticed any triggers that would bring up an unfriendly reaction.

You might take the animal to a vet to have him checked out for medical conditions which might make him feel less than his best, resulting in angry behaviors. If you are getting a cat, he should be declawed before you bring him into the house.

Second, establish whos the boss. From the moment you first meet the pet, speak to him firmly. This doesnt mean you have to be unkind, but he should know you are the leader. Animals live in a hierarchy. There is always a leader and there are always followers. Assert yourself with the animal so he knows you are the leader in your den.

Third, be consistent in your reward/punishment system. If you let bad behavior slide, just once, you are implanting confusion. The pet needs to know what the consequences are, and he needs to be able to rely on them. One of the most effective consequences is putting him in time-out, as it were. Placing him in his kennel or taking him outside creates isolation, and pets hate to be isolated. He will get the message.

Fourth, dont encourage rough play. Some pet owners like to wrestle with their pets or play frisky games, but the animal then becomes confused about proper behavior expectations. Why is it okay to growl at Dad, but not at the baby? Animals cant make those kinds of distinctions.

Interestingly enough, these tips are also applicable to training your children to be kind to the pet. Your child should know you mean business, rewarded for her good behavior and experience consequences if she behaves unkindly. She also dislikes being put in time-out, and she should know better than to engage in rough play.

Not every pet placement is going to be a success. But with patience and love, soon you will have the furry companion your family has been hoping for.