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Natural Flea Treatments For Cats-how To Naturally Cure Cats Flea Problems

27 17:15:54
Can we cure our cat of fleas. Is it possible to rid our home of fleas.

Can we do both of these things without using harsh chemicals.

The answer is yes. It is possible to rid your home of fleas, and treat your cats fleas also.

Both can and should be done with natural home remedies that will not harm your cat or anyone else in the home.

For every pet owner I think fleas are the number one problem that faces all of us.

Now with the warmer weather fast approaching, with it comes the problem of fleas.

You want to desperately get rid of your flea problem that is making your cat so uncomfortable.

Even when you keep your cat indoors, which naturally for your cats health and safety you most likely do, fleas can still be a problem.

When you use a natural flea treatment for your cat, the benefits are so much better then any product you would buy in a pet store or at your vet's office.

Commercial flea products come with some of the most dangerous side effects. Especially for cats who lick themselves. Many of the products like flea dips are topical and can by ingested by your cat.

At natural flea treatment that has shown to work very well when used properly is a combination of COOKED garlic and brewer's yeast.

I emphasized the garlic be cooked. Raw garlic can be harmful to cats. So always, cook the garlic thoroughly.

Why is this treatment effective for curing your cats flea problem? Well the garlic and brewers yeast get into the blood and skin of your cat and makes it unpalatable to fleas.

For this treatment your cook the garlic and combine it together with the brewer's yeast. After it is combined, you will then add a very small amount to your cats food.

You will not have to use very much of the cooked garlic and brewer's yeast to see results. Use only a teaspoon at most.

Another great natural flea treatment for your cat is apple cider vinegar. You take a small amount of apple cider vinegar, again a teaspoon or less and add it to your cats drinking water.

Like the brewer's yeast and cook garlic treatment, this also gets into the skin and blood stream. The fleas do not like this taste either.

So hopefully these natural and safe treatments used correctly can solve your flea problem for you and your cat.

Whenever possible use natural home remedies for your cat. They are safe and will not cause serious side effects.

Our cats only deserve the best from us. Just like they always give us, "sometimes."

Always be kind and gentle and most of all loving with your cats. They are so very precious.