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Cat Problem Behavior? Your Cat Doesnt Think So!

27 10:10:27
Books are written, discussions launched and lines are drawn in the sand over the cat/dog comparison. Is dog problem behavior worse than cat problem behavior? Oh my gosh! What a silly argument! As I am very fond of pointing out...cats are NOT dogs! We can't judge these two fine species as though they were the same. Fido's attributes can be discussed at another time in another article. Bless his little canine soul, I would hope we cat fanciers can give him his due. Just not here.

Whenever you are faced with cat behavioral issues, the first thing to do is step back and assess the situation. Though it may seem like it, cats don't just fly off the handle and go crazy. There is something going on, even if you don't see it right away. If your cat suddenly starts howling and complaining, something is wrong. It could be as simple and a new air freshener or cleaner you are using. If you are a housebound cat with a keen sense of smell you might just react to a strong odor you don't like or that is making you sick if you can't get away from it. Your cat notices things you don't.

Your cat may have looked out the window and noticed a new and threatening looking dog who just wandered into the yard. If he's fearful, he might start a familiar cat problem behavior such as peeing in piles of clothes or digging around in house plants. For reasons known only to the cat, this may make him feel better or more secure. Annoying? Yes! However it is understandable. Just how to calm his fears is another challenge.

I once lived with a cat who became traumatized after being chased by a dog. He moved to the basement for three years by his own choosing! I would try to bring him to the main part of the house and he would cry and complain so long and loudly that I just decided to give him his space to heal, and it took three years! Feline behavior...very mysterious!

Because cats can seem so aloof and uncaring, I think we underestimate the depth of their sensitivity. Just because we think something shouldn't bother a cat doesn't mean it doesn't. Try to understand him no matter what he does. He's just a little kitty in a very big world!