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Feline Skin Problems - Cat Flea Allergy Dermatitis

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The most common allergy for cats is an allergy to fleas. It can be a difficult diagnosis for a pet owner as the constant grooming of cats removes evidence of fleas. For a feline allergic to the pest just a couple flea bites a week can cause a bad skin reaction that can lead to additional skin infections. Some cats may have numerous fleas with little apparent scratching but that does not mean they can tolerate the fleas over a long term. Fleas are bloodsuckers and a high population on your cat can lead to anemia and other serious health problems.

One or two fleas may be too many for a sensitive cat's system. Scratching behind the ears and at the base of his tail are symptoms to watch for. Humidity is more important than temperature for fleas. The insects may live anywhere from three weeks to a full year and become active only when the weather suits them. In ares of the country with mild winters fleas are not killed during cool months and animals need monthly protection from fleas all year.

Cat Flea Symptoms

* Chewing the base of the tail * Chewing the back legs and perhaps front legs * Lesions caused by licking and chewing the bumps left by flea bites * Hot spots above the base of the tail or on the face

Diagnosis of Flea Allergies and Treatment

Look closely through your cat's coat and you may see tiny fleas crawling around on his skin. If the animal has bumps on his skin (especially around the neck and near the tail) and is frequently scratching, fleas are likely present. Antibiotics may be prescribed by the vet when a skin scraping reveals the presence of a secondary bacterial infection.

The scratching that irritates skin of the feline may also result in fungal infections. The best treatment protocol is to first remove all fleas from the cat's environment. To hasten the healing of the skin and control the immune response a course of corticosteroids such as prednisone may be necessary.

Preventive Measures

Using flea control medications on your cat monthly should be a standard part of the health care of your pet. In cold climates, flea prevention topical products should be started a month before flea season begins and continued for one month after cold weather resumes in the fall. In coastal and humid areas, fleas are a problem twelve months of the year and flea control must be a monthly routine of flea prevention all year long. Grooming your cat with a fine toothed flea comb will remove dead fleas and flea dirt.

Wash pet bedding in hot water and use a safe, long acting flea spray on the carpets, rugs and furniture in your home to kill fleas and flea eggs hiding there. Vacuum thoroughly and frequently to remove dea insects and flea eggs from the home environment. Before recommending diagnostic testing for pet allergies your vet will recommend controlling fleas as this will cure many of the cat allergies owners complain of. Your vet will test any highly irritated areas of skin to look for secondary problems.

Discount pet med sites offer the most best source for topical spot on flea drops and prescription flea prevention medicines as well. The best prices and products are found by ordering online from a site associated with a practicing veterinarian. Choosing Advantage or FrontLine Plus for flea prevention or faxing a prescription from your vet for a prescriptive pet med will keep your cat safe from flea allergy dermatitis and keep the costs down for you.