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Polycystic Kidney Disease And Your Persian Cat

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Cats are beautiful animals and they take their place next to dogs. The cat health of a Persian sees some health problems that require some specific knowledge. Persian cats have some genetic problems that are prone to happen to any cat of this breed.

A Little History on the Persian Cat
Persian cats have beautiful long silky hair and their long hairs float everywhere they visit, including your lap. In the sixteenth century, Persian cats walked the roads in Turkey and some other areas. Some people believe that the longhaired Persian is a mutation of the shorthaired Persian from Egypt. Some believed that the difference in hair length was triggered by the cool weather conditions.

Make Up Of a Persian Cat
The Persian cat has a short tail that extends outward with thick bones and a round body. The eyes of a Persian are beautiful and big while the ears are small and appear too small for their heads. They have a flat nose similar to a Pekinese dog breed. The mild temperament and easygoing disposition makes the Persian an idea cat for everyone.

Susceptible To Polycystic Kidney Disease
The Persian cat is often susceptible to polycystic kidney disease, which affects the kidneys's and generally are common from birth. Although these cats do not show signs until the age of six and up, the Persian cat has the cysts that grow as they grow and age causing the kidney to become enlarged. The prognosis is kidney failure, which will result in death for the cat. This cat health problemneeds to have immediate attention to take care of any future problems. For more info see

Some Signs Your Persian Has Kidney Disease
Persians have a need to use the litter box more frequently and have a strong need for water. The cat will more than likely sleep more than usual and may be a bit depressed and finicky about eating, which will lead to body weight loss. In some instances, the liver and the uterus sometimes is affected with the growth and spread of the cysts.

Getting Care for Your Sick Persian Cat
Because the Persian cat is normally born with the generic make up causing it to be prone to polycystic kidney disease, your vet may prescribe a drug to help with anemia that occurs after the spread of the cysts. The cats diet has to change to eliminate phosphorous and protein in the diet, which will cause more problems for your ailing Persian. In some cases, the vet will recommend a phosphate binder, which you add to the food or water supply.

Scientists believe that the disease is caused by a dominate gene and requires finding the potential carrier of this gene and eliminating the potential for further reproduction of the carrier. Vets can determine if the Persian kittens have the cysts at an early age to prevent reproduction of the cat that has the dominate gene. An ultra sound will provide a scan of the kitten's kidneys and determine if the Persian kitten requires immediate sterilization to prevent further breeding of cats with the gene.