Pet Information > Cats > Cats Health > Overview For Elderly Cat Health Problems

Overview For Elderly Cat Health Problems

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Associated Difficulty Involves The Following Matters

Immune system: Older cats have weaker immune systems and are more likely to get sick than a younger cat.

Skin: Their skin is also not as elastic and can be susceptible to infections. Blood flow tends to be poor for their skin as well.

Claws: Their claws are also brittle and weak.

Hearing: Loss of hearing is a very common problem. Some experience total loss of hearing while others only suffer minimal loss.

Eyes: Cloudy eyes and diminished vision can also occur. Iris atrophy can also occur and make their eyes too sensitive to light. Also watch out for eye discharge, watery eyes, and sunken eyes.

Muscle loss: They can also experience muscle atrophy, especially in the rear legs. This can result in trouble with walking or standing.

Activity level: Older cats will tend to spend more time sleeping. They can also be less vertical and may not climb up their favorite perch or go up the stairs.

Joint problems: Arthritis is common with elderly cats and can hinder movement. They may even have problems going to the litter box due to limited movement. If it is not treated, it can result in complete immobility.

Dental problems: Veterinary dental care is necessary to remove plaque and tartar. Dental problems can cause pain and difficulty in eating.

Grooming: They cannot groom themselves very well can end up with matted hair and skin problems. So make sure they are properly groomed. Dental problems can also make it difficult for the cat to groom itself.

Obesity: Older cats are prone to weight gain because of their low activity levels and overeating. This can be prevented by controlling their diet and encouraging them to be more active. Also make sure to weigh your old cat regularly to monitor weight.

Dehydration: Older cats can be prone to dehydration so make sure their water supply is easily accessible. This can be done by using a wide and shallow dish filled with fresh water.

Stress: Old cats are less likely to adapt to changes in the environment, new pets, and new places. Make sure they are in familiar grounds.