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Licking of Genital Area in Cats

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Licking of Genital Area in Cats


Feline Licking of Genital Area 

A normal healthy cat keeps him/herself relatively clean. Cats are fastidious and spend a significant amount of time grooming and keeping clean. In addition to cleaning their legs and body, cats will also lick their genital areas in an attempt to remove dirt, discharge or debris. Excessive licking in this area may indicate a medical problem and can be a cause for concern.

Causes in Male Cats

In males, abnormal preputial discharge can result in excessive licking. Preputial discharge is any substance emanating (flowing) from the prepuce (the fold of skin that covers the penis). Preputial discharge may consist of blood, urine or pus. The normal cat should have no discharge; however a small amount of whitish-yellow "smegma" can accumulate around the preputial opening, and is not considered clinically significant. Causes of excessive discharge include:

  • Disorders affecting the prepuce, including neoplasia (cancer), trauma, foreign body or balanoposthitis (inflammation of the penis/prepuce)
  • Disorders of the urethra, including neoplasia, trauma, or calculi (stones)
  • Disorders of the urinary bladder including infection, calculi, inflammation or neoplasia
  • Disorders of the prostate, including prostatitis (infection or inflammation of the prostate), neoplasia, hyperplasia (enlargement), cyst or abscess
  • Coagulopathies (bleeding disorders) including thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count) and ingestion of rat poison
  • Urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine) secondary to an ectopic (abnormally placed) ureter or improperly functioning sphincter (tissue that acts like a door, controlling the release of urine)
  • Causes in Female Cats

    In females, abnormal vaginal discharge can result in excessive licking. Vaginal discharge is any substance emanating (flowing) from the vulvar labia (the external female genitals). Vaginal discharge may be a normal in the postpartum (afterbirth) period, sometimes lasting 6 to 8 weeks. Causes of excessive abnormal discharge include:

  • Urogenital tract infections (urinary tract infection, pyometra/infected uterus)
  • Neoplasia (cancer) of the urogenital tract
  • Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) or inflammation anywhere in the urogenital tract
  • Coagulation (clotting) disorders (associated with rat poison, low platelets)
  • Trauma or foreign body of the urogenital tract
  • Urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine) secondary to an ectopic (abnormally placed) ureter or problem with the sphincter (the tissue that acts like a door, controlling the release of urine)
  • Retained placenta (the organ that unites the fetus with the lining of the uterus) or fetal death

    The presence of genital discharge most often suggests an underlying problem, ranging from a mild, relatively benign disorder, to a severe, even life threatening disease.
  • What To Watch For

  • Excessive licking
  • Spotting
  • Discharge
  • Swelling of genital area
  • Diagnosis of Underlying Causes for Genital Licking in Cats

    It is important to perform a thorough physical examination, including a thorough genital examination. In addition, your veterinarian may recommend the following diagnostic tests:

  • A complete blood count (CBC), biochemical profile and urinalysis are recommended. Although often within normal limits, there may be evidence of infection or inflammation
  • A bacterial urine culture to rule out a urinary tract infection
  • Cytology (cells obtained from the discharge) and bacterial culture of the discharge
  • A coagulation profile in cases of bloody discharge, and/or if a clotting problem is suspected
  • Abdominal radiographs (X-ray) assess for the presence of a pyometra (infected uterus) in an intact (not spayed) female and prostate abnormalities in the male
  • Abdominal ultrasound is helpful in a more thorough evaluation of the abdominal structures
  • Treatment of Genital Licking in Cats

    There are several things your veterinarian might recommend to treat the patient with genital discharge and excessive licking.

  • Remove or treat any obvious inciting or underlying cause, such as foreign body, tumor or infection
  • Daily flushing and cleansing of the vagina or prepuce can be of benefit in many cases
  • Home Care

    Administer all prescribed medication as directed by your veterinarian and observe your cat closely. If the clinical signs are not improving or getting worse, contact your veterinarian at once.

    • Excessive licking of the genital area may indicate a medical problem and can be a cause for concern.