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Cat Training In Ten Minutes: Fact Or Fiction?

28 11:22:29
Really? Cat training in ten minutes? You are kidding right? Cat training is crucial to the proper development of your cat and in order to maintain control of your own home. While you may have a wild kitty, thinking that you are going to be able to complete cat training in ten minutes is simply not a reality. Cat training in 10 minutes just isn't going to happen. Learning how to cat care and to guide your cat into the behavior you want takes practice and consistency.

Consistent work with your cat and continual reinforcement are the two concepts that you need to achieve your goal of a well behaved cat. Teaching your cat the fundamentals of good behavior are the goals of all cat care. There aren't any magic tricks or cat training in ten minutes. But there are some great cat training aids found in many of today's pet stores that will help you in your cat training journey.

It is vital to curb your cat's wild and hyper behavior and one of the key ways to do so, is to make sure that they are getting enough exercise. Most cats adore items like soft balls of yarn. Cats are playful by nature and kittens like to play with just anything, so make sure you accommodate them. Be smart and avoid having them play with fragile or especially small items. This makes yarns or soft balls the perfect solution. You might even find that your older cats enjoy playing with similar items.

Most cat owners enjoy teaching their cats a few tricks. Cats can be taught to shake hands or fetch something. Again, remember consistency and reinforcing positive behavior are key to cat training. Cat beats are good rewards and will make the tricks fun for your cats as well!

Water Spray...Fights with other cats and caterwauling are also problematic cat situations. Spraying the cats with water when they do unwanted behavior will eventually keep them from doing them. The light water spay is a great harmless way to train your cat...considering its intense distaste for water.

Of course, these are only a few of the many training aids out there. There is a training aid for nearly any unwanted behavior. Scratching posts help to aid unwanted scratching. Litter boxes and toilet training keep the messes to a minimum. There are so many more out there and all of these aids will help you get closer to your dream of "cat training in 10 minutes".

So, even though training your cat will not happen over night, with a little consistency and planning you can certainly have a well behaved cat. Take the time to reinforce your cat's positive behavior and you will find that although cat training in 10 minutes might not be factual, cat training can still be successful with a little bit of time and attention on your behalf.