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Air Purifier For Cat Urine Odor - 3 Reasons An Air Purifier Can Help

28 11:21:38
Removing cat urine odor can be daunting, but if you're reading this article you probably know that. Here are 3 reasons to use an air purifier to remove the odor and keep your home smelling fresh all the time.

1. Constantly Eliminates the Odor--Once your cat has urinated on the carpet, floor or some other inappropriate spot, half the battle is locating the offending spot, and the other half is neutralizing it. If your cat has had an accident and you can't find it and/or you are not able to thoroughly neutralize the urine, you are going to have an odor. If the urine has soaked through to carpet padding or the sub-flooring, short of major renovation, you will be unable to neutralize the spot. And even though your senses will adapt to this, whenever you or visitors re-enter your home you will be instantly greeted by the odor. Having an air purifier (with a filter that specifically targets and eliminates cat urine odor) scrubbing your air 24 hours a day will eliminate the smell even if you are unable to neutralize the source.

2. Safe for Your Cat--A high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier that is made of steel rather than plastic, that has a baked on powder coat finish free of lead and other harmful substances, is well constructed, and that is designed with a motor that can operate 24 hours every day will produce only fresh, clean, odor-free air---all of which are safe for your cat. Be sure to avoid air purifiers that give off even low levels of ozone as they have been deemed unsafe by the American Lung Association, and are being banned in California as of 2009.

3. Safe for You--Don't forget you and your family live with your cat too. Not only does a high quality HEPA air purifier remove cat urine odor, cat dander, and cat hair but it removes other airborne household pollutants that are found in the cleanest of homes-pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, pet dander from all pets, pollen, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses all as small as .3 microns. And if you or family members are allergic to any of these airborne pollutants by removing 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne pollutants you are not only clearing your air of odor, but filtering airborne triggers that exacerbate chronic allergy, asthma, and other respiratory conditions as well.