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Feline Flea Control Tips And Tricks That Every Cat Owner Should Know

28 11:21:32
No matter how meticulously clean you keep your cat, or how hard you work to prevent them, fleas are bound to make an appearance sooner or later. If you have never tried to convince your cat of the importance of flea dips, you are missing out a truly harrowing experience, let me tell you. Your cat will most likely want no part of what you are proposing, no matter how much you bribe or beg, and it will probably end in a major battle of wills and brute force, with you hopefully, being the winner. However, I do have some good news to share with don't have to fight the battle of the feline flea dip anymore. There are several new flea control methods that are safer, and easier to use, so you and your cat can toss the flea dip out the window, and both of you can do the happy dance once again!

Yes, you can still go the traditional feline flea control route, of using collars and shampoos, but there are still better, easier options out there. There are now flea control medications that you can give your feline friend one time a month, that work wonders on preventing fleas and other parasite infestations. You can give these medications to your cat by mouth, by injection (ouch!), or topically, however you prefer. No matter how you get it done, you must practice some form of feline flea control, if you love your cat. Fleas and other parasites can carry hundreds of deadly feline diseases; can cause tapeworms, infection, and even allergic reactions. Some animals who aren't properly cared for have actually died due to massive blood loss caused by tick infestations. So, you can likely now see the importance of feline flea and parasite control, even if you didn't think it was a big deal before.

These new flea control medications work differently than those you may have used in the past. These medications actually kill the parasite on contact, meaning that it doesn't have a chance to hang around on your cat and have parasite babies, as they often did with the old medications. Talk with your veterinarian about trying some of the new feline flea control medications, and discuss the risks and benefits of them before making a final decision.

One of the new monthly flea control treatments doesn't kill mature fleas, but can kill eggs before they hatch. This flea control medications uses a chemical called lufenuron, and can be used once a month if taken orally, and semi-annually if administered by the veterinarian in injection form. One disadvantage of this medication other than it not working on mature fleas is that it does nothing to protect your feline friend from ticks. Frontline, however, does have a feline formula that you apply directly to your cat's fur, which kills both fleas and ticks, and prevents new infestations from occurring. The active ingredient in this feline flea control medication is fipronil.

If you prefer topical feline flea control treatments, rather than those given by injection or orally, you might want to try Advantage. Advantage can be applied once a month, and will work regardless of how many baths your cat gets during that time. This flea control medication doesn't work well against other parasites.

The best feline flea control medication that works to prevent both flea and ticks infestations is Revolution. This medication comes in the form of a liquid that you apply directly onto your cat's skin. This feline flea control not only kills and protects against fleas and ticks, but also can protect your cat from heartworms, hookworms, ear mites, and even roundworms.

If you haven't always done such a good job with feline flea control, your little feline friend may very well already be infested. If that is the case, you will never completely get rid of the fleas until you treat your home too, both inside and outside.

You could always contact an exterminator, if you don't want to deal with the problem yourself, but you can expect to pay a hefty sum for their services. To handle the problem on your own, purchase at least one flea fogger for each room of your home, and purchase flea spray for areas that are hard to reach, such as behind appliances or in corners. Vacuum everyday, so that you can get all of the eggs out of your carpets, preventing new hatchlings from re-infesting your home; change your vacuum bag after each use. If your cat has soft bedding or toys, they should be cleaned as well.

To treat your yard, you can purchase special flea sprays that are environmentally safe, some even come in containers that hook onto your water hose, making it quick and easy to take care of those outdoor fleas, and protect your cat.

It can be frustrating to get rid of fleas once your cat and home have been infested, but with patience and hard work, as well as a good flea control medication, your feline can be parasite free again!