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Managing Pet Behavior Problems

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Managing pet behavior problems is something all pet owners have to deal with. Almost every pet will have some type of behavioral issue at some time or another, and it is important to address it early and avoid letting it get out of hand.

Managing pet behavior problems can actually be quite simple, especially if you start modifying the negative pet behavior as soon as it presents itself. Fortunately, there are many strategies to choose from, so you can easily find a method that will work best for you and your pet. From basic pet behavior training to more complex professional training, there are various strategies that can help with just about any behavioral issue you are presented with. In this article, we will focus on some of the strategies for managing behavior problems in dogs and cats.

With dogs and cats, aggressive behavior is one of the most common issues that people seem to experience. Whether it is food aggression or aggressive behavior towards other animals or even people, such behavior should be addressed as soon as it is recognized. While managing pet behavior problems such as aggression is generally easier in younger pets, it can often be managed in older pets as well provided proper tactics are used. If you notice such pet behavior problems, you should immediately begin behavior modification yourself, or seek professional help to nip it in the bud.

Common Dog Behavior Problems

As indicated above, one of the most common pet behavior problems is food aggression. Other more commonly seen problems in dogs include barking, chewing, digging, begging, chasing, and inappropriate elimination of feces and urine. Fortunately, managing pet behavior problems such as these are all easily remedied, provided the dog owner is diligent and routine in their managing strategies such as teaching proper commands, or using crate training to combat negative behaviors.

Dog ownership is a big responsibility, and managing behavior problems is part of the job. If you don't take that job seriously, you may end up with a dog that does not behave properly and is difficult to accept lovingly into your family.

Common Cat Behavior Problems

Cats are also prone to certain behavior problems, and some of the most common cat behavior problems include aggression towards humans or other pets, furniture scratching, issues with using the litter box and inappropriate play.

As with dogs, managing pet behavior problems that are commonly found in cats can be easily handled provided you start with a pet behavior modification strategy as soon as you recognize the issue. Cats are often a bit more stubborn with their training than dogs, but it is possible to be successful if you are patient and take the time necessary to provide proper training. Common managing strategies that are used to help with cat behavior problems include using squirt bottles to deter the cat from scratching or showing aggression, or using firm commands to stop them when they are doing something wrong.

Managing pet behavior problems may very well be one of the most important jobs you will have as a pet owner. By properly training your pets and using one of the managing strategies outlined, you can help to ensure that the pet will be a better fit for you and your family and will be enjoyed for many years to come