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One of the most common troubles faced by people of all age group is headache. Headache is the pain that humans suffer in the upper part above the upper neck and in the forehead that is above the eyes and the ears. Headaches can basically be classified in two parts as the primary headaches and secondary headaches. Primary headaches are those that do not relate any other disease like the tension headache, cluster headache or the migraine. Secondary headaches are those which are directly or indirectly related to some major or minor disease say for example headache due to blood plots in the head, high blood pressure, meningitis, head injury, cerebral aneurysms or encephalitis. Headache is called as cephalalgia in terms of medical. In the language of doctors the headache is of five types. The first one is vascular, second is the myogenic also called the muscle tension, the third is the cervicogenic, fourth is the traction and finally the inflammatory.

The most common of all headaches is the tension headache. More than 90% of people suffer from this kind due to stress and tension. It might be surprising but surveys and researches show that tension headache is more common in women as compared to men. The second most common headache is the migraine. The maximum victims of this kind are found in US. There is no specific age for migraine and it effects equally to both sexes before puberty. Cluster headache, the third kind of primary headache is seen mainly in men. It seems to be affecting in people lying under the age group of 28 to 32 years. Secondary headaches are the serious ones that may be the cause of any life threatening disease. Some common disease under this category are the brain tumors and strokes. Sudden stop or withdrawal from painkillers or some drug may also lead to secondary headache.

To treat and deal with troubles of headache it is very important to know the causes and symptoms of headache. If one knows the symptoms than only can treat the problem, and knowing the causes can avoid them in future. Normal symptoms for headache are feeling depressed. Other common symptoms are ache in the forehead, above the eyes. Blurring of the vision and feeling confused and lost in ideas are also the symptoms. Some of the major causes of headaches are due to emotional stress, depression or tension. At times allergies or eyestrain also become its causes. Considering some serious problem like low or high blood pressure or change in sugar levels of the body also contributes to the headache. Depending on person-to-person sudden climatic change to extreme cold or extreme hot can also cause headache. Constipation and nutrition deficiency can also lead to headache. Brain aneurysm, cat scratch disease, chronic cough, lupus melas syndrome, sinus infections, hypoglycemia, glaucoma are some of the causes of the secondary headaches.

Knowing the symptoms and causes is not sufficient, one should have the knowledge regarding its treatment also. The best thing one can remember about headache cure is that live a stress free life, as such no medicine is required if the headache is nominal. Proper sleep and a regular check on the nutritious diet are must to avoid headache. Avoiding drugs, alcohol and smoking is also a remedy. Exercises and meditating can be considered the best of all medicines. Painkillers such as para-acetamol, aspirin, Ibufen are the common ones taken to cure severe headache. Many people find it better to handle the headache with techniques like the acupuncture, biofeedback or the hypnosis.