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How To Keep Control On Blood Pressure And Heat Stroke

27 18:19:26
Blood pressure is like a thermometer of health. Hypertension or high blood pressure means your heart is working more than usual to pump blood. This is dangerous because it can cause a heart attack, a stroke or a kidney disorder. Therefore, it is very important to keep a control on blood pressure.

How to take blood pressure at home: Hang a key to a thread. Put your left thumb on the right wrist of the person to whom it will take the pressure. Extend a tape measure on the table parallel to the arm. Bring the key to moving as a pendulum on the tape. If pressure is low key start to spin on its axis to reach the numbers 5-7. If the pressure is high, the key will turn to reach 10.

Pets: It appears that interacts with animals and is stroking a cat playing with a dog or watching a goldfish swimming in a fish tank is an effective way to lower blood pressure.

Parsley and lemon. Blend all the whole lemon and zest and parsley. Take a cup fasting.

Oats: Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal. Not only regulate blood pressure but is very effective in regulating cholesterol too.

Celery: Include in your daily diet. Pieces of celery in their salads to help you take your blood pressure under control.

Garlic is wonderful to dilate the arteries and prevent thrombus formation. With only a clove of garlic every day is enough to receive benefits. You can make a tea, using a crushed clove of garlic per cup of water. We add lemon juice to taste and go.

Reduce salt: Salt causes fluid retention and this only adds more pressure on your body. Eat less than a teaspoon of salt a day.

Cooking olive and hawthorn: 1 liter of water, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of olive leaves, 1 handful of hawthorn. Boil the leaves of olive and hawthorn for 3 minutes over low heat. Let stand 10 minutes. Strain and store in a glass container. Remove the garlic juice and add to the previous infusion. Drink a liter a day for a week and rest for another. Repeat alternating weeks to regulate the pressure.

Persons performing any activity in hot and humid in the environment may suffer dizziness, fainting and, in extreme cases, states of unconsciousness that require medical attention. It’s most common form is caused by overexposure to the sun, and is known as sunstroke.

The most sensitive to the effects of heat are children, elderly, obese people and people taking drugs. Among its early symptoms include: dizziness, headache, fatigue and nausea, the problem may worsen if the person has recently experienced diarrhea or vomiting, a situation that causes increased fluid loss. Then you can have low blood pressure, fainting, weak pulse, dilated pupils, and pallor.

What to Do
* At the first signs of dizziness and fainting, it is recommended to the affected person lie down in a cool place indoors.
* In very serious cases, and if the patient is willing, can be provided you promote rehydration drinks such as coffee with sugar or salt water (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water).
* Heat stroke occurs when body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius and is accompanied by strong and rapid pulse, which soon becomes weak, while decreasing respiratory rate.
* It is important to know that heat stroke must be treated immediately, because it can cause death.
* Should be lowered body temperature with cold packs or ice packs on his head.
* If the condition worsens or if the victim's body temperature rises rapidly, you should remove clothing and pass a wet sponge on the face or, if possible, apply ice water bath. Should be kept cool and wet to the person until their body temperature returns to normal.
* If necessary, give rescue breathing

* Staying in a sunny position if you start to feel heat exhaustion. It is better to move to a shaded place, and even loose clothing.
* Caring for a person affected by heat stroke or heat stroke under the sun's rays should be sought remove to fresh air.
* Lay the victim so that your back is straight, so that blood flow is distributed evenly.
* Do not give drinks to a person who is faint, it runs the risk of drowning.

* Place the patient in a cool and airy, lying, and with legs up, not sitting.
* The drinks are only recommended in very severe cases when the patient is conscious.

When a Doctor
* If a person with heart disease had fatigue and discomfort from the heat.
* When you have a faint, weak pulse, dilated pupils, and pallor.
* When body temperature is not normal.

Consult your doctor.