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Skin Disease - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

27 18:20:51
According to World Health Organization reports, around 3.5 billion people around the world are suffering from some type of parasitic infection. There are, in fact, more than 3,000 different types of parasites that infect humans and cause a variety of diseases. Most interesting among these are those that cause terrible skin infections. Parasites on the skin are primarily small insects or worms that penetrate into the layers of the skin, lay their eggs and grow there.

Causes of Skin Disease

Most common skin diseases are skin cancer, acne, sunburn, impetigo, warts, and herpes. In these diseases skin becomes swollen, red and causes irritation and inflammation. This could be due to some irritants, genetic inheritance, allergies or any other problem in the human body immune system.

Renal disease, otherwise referred to as chronic or acute kidney failure, can cause dry skin during its later stages. Symptoms associated with renal disease include nausea, fatigue, weight loss, easy bruising, decreased urination, decreased alertness, and seizures. Acute renal disease is normally sudden and can be reversed with treatment.

Self-care treatment for eczema is the to keep the natural oils in you hand. The use of detergents and soaps removes these natural oils from hand that causes itching. So avoid harsh detergent and drying soaps. Ultra violet light and infrared radiation (Light Therapy) can help control Eczema.

Skin Diseases Symptoms

The diseases related to human skin are called cutaneous or dermatologic disorders. Some common diseases show symptoms on the skin like measles and rubella, but these diseases are not categorized as dermatologic disorders.

So how to know if someone has skin tags or not? A good way to understand the symptoms is by noticing them at the very beginning � just when the growths are beginning to appear on the skin. Because at the start, the tags look almost the same for all. They appear as small and soft bumps that seem to hang from the skin.

Symptoms include crusting, redness on the skin, and scaling. Some cats react to the fungus by over-grooming themselves which can cause hair loss. Treatment methods of ringworm include oral medication, shampoo, or clipping the cat's coat. You may also need to get rid of the fungus in the surrounding environment.

The symptoms for scabies take about four weeks to apear. It can be less or longer, depending on the person. In people who have had scabies before, the symptoms for scabies can appear as quick as in two days. Scabies is a disease that can reappear. The most common scabies symptoms are itching, mostly at night time, blisters and a scabies rash, colored red.

Skin Diseases Treatment

Surgery is the oldest form of treating skin cancer. This treatment involves the removal of the tumor and some adjacent healthy tissues in order to stem the cancer spread. For some surface-based cancers doctors and surgeons have found skin peels like the TCA skin peel have been very effective (see the link below for more info on TCA peels for home use).

There are now reported cases of skin cancer and breast cancer arising from using Protopic as an eczema treatment. The same goes for Elidel. More people now realize that both these drugs are classified as immunosuppressant. This simply means that anyone who uses this medication is exposed to a number of diseases, including cancer, because a person’s immune system is relatively weakened.