Pet Information > Cats > Cat Disease > Do You Know Why Flea And Tick Protection Is So Important

Do You Know Why Flea And Tick Protection Is So Important

27 18:22:00
There is a saying: health is the capital of revolution, it is simply tell the health are important to us, life is the best attention to health health performance, detail also is such.

Fleas and ticks are the curse of your pet's and families' health and love of life. The irritation caused by these nuisances can make your companion uneasy. However these vexing creatures can cause more than misery; they also pass on illness to you and your family.

A flea is a nomad, any site can become home to them. Your house can be the ideal breeding ground for fleas. Not only that but fleas can endure for a sustained time without a nutrient source.

Being the blood-sucking parasites that they are, fleas and ticks may pick up an illness from one source and bring it home to you and your companion. Protection is the extremely important earliest step in controlling an infestation of fleas and ticks. Frontline spray for pets is a very affordable, effortless-to-use way to help in keeping things under control. You can utilize it on both your pet and their bedding. Frontline spray can be applied to several of your pets from eight weeks and up regardless of size and type. Now there is no need to pay money for multiple products, one works for all of your flea and tick protection needs. For tick protection, you can even use it on your horses!

As previously noted, they are not just a nuisance but a risk to you and your pets. Here are a few of the diseases they can convey to your happy home.

Cat Scratch Fever: This illness can be transmitted a couple of ways. If your feline has been bitten by a flea that has ingested the blood of an infected animal, your feline can also become infected. If your infected cat scratches or bites you, you may then become infected as well. Another means is if an infected flea leaves behind waste in your cat's fur and you scratch your cat contaminating your hands, later you wipe your eyes again you have opened yourself to infection.

Typhus: Fleas that have contact with rodents infected with typhus can also transmit it to your pets. The flea feeds on your pet and leaves waste in their pelt. You may be contaminated if you have an open injury that comes into contact with the waste.

Flea Bite Dermatitis: Causes a rash-like response that is very fretful for both man and beast alike. In animals, it may also bring about hot spots opening the door to secondary infections, while in humans may also cause hives and secondary infections.

Tapeworms: Appalling creatures that can be transferred from fleas to pets and mankind alike. Your pets would most possible be exposed to this when chewing at fleas and swallowing an infected flea. While the chance of transfer from your pet to you is low, the risk is still there.

Bubonic Plague: Fleas feed on an infected animal that has the plague. You become susceptible to the infection when the flea then bites you. It can also infect your pets and they in turn could infect you.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: This is a bacterial infection caused by the dog tick. This can be a dangerous and life-threatening disease and affects humans and pets alike.

Lyme Disease and Southern Tick: Lyme disease is caused by the deer tick, the most widespread of all tick-related diseases. While the southern tick is caused by the lone star tick. When a human is infected, the bite is generally marked by a bull's eye. If not treated, it can cause stiff joints among other ailments in both humans and animals.

While the risks may be modest, I closely have had dealings with three of the above-mentioned diseases. As the saying goes, the best offense is a good defense. Frontline spray for pets is a perfect first line of defense.Finally, I hope that you and your pets can be happy every day.