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How To Achieve Effective Insect Control-00-1221

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Insect Control Services

Many insects are considered pests by humans. Insects commonly regarded as pests include those that are parasitic (mosquitoes, cockroaches, bed bugs), transmit diseases (mosquitoes, flies), damage structures (termites), or destroy agricultural goods (locusts, weevils). Many entomologists are involved in various forms of pest control, often using insecticides, but more and more relying on methods of bio control.
Due to the variety of insects on our planet, different methods are carried out to achieve effective Insect Control.


Insect Control Service for cockroaches. Cockroaches are among Earth's most ancient creatures, surviving floods, fire, famine and nuclear tests. They can live a month without food and two weeks without water, so that reinfestation is always a significant risk. Nocturnal, Cockroaches spend the day hiding in cracks and crevices around sinks, drains, cookers, backs of cupboards and refrigerator motor compartments, they are vectors of disease such as dysentery, gastro enteritis, typhoid and poliomyelitis.

Wasps & Ants

Insect Control Service for wasps and ants. In addition to carrying disease, death through wasp stings in the throat accounted for 50% of all fatalities caused by venomous animals. They feed on fruit eg. apples, pears and plums although they are regarded as scavengers, extending the damage caused by other pests and diseases. The need to collect wood to construct nests means that wasps may damage the wooden fabric of buildings, fences and even perhaps garden furniture.
Pharoah's Ants feed on meat, cheese, fats, sugar, honey, jam, chocolate and blood. Pathogenic organisms may be transmitted mechanically as the ants feed in unhygenic places including drains, refuse bins and wound dressings. Colonies range from a few dozen to 300,000 ants.

Flies & Mosquitos

Insect Control Service for flies and mosquitos. Flies breed and feed in unsanitary conditions where larvae feed on decaying organic matter. Contamination agents survive on the outside body, gut and blood system. Diseases caused include many lower respiratory and urinal tract infections and acute gastro enteritis type complaints.
Mosquitos are primarily a seasonal biting nuisance in cooler climates. They can transmit many diseases including malaria and yellow fever.

Bitting Insects

Insect Control Service for bitting insects. Bed bugs are not regarded as disease carriers, but their blood feeding can cause severe irritation in some people, particularly in children. Access between buildings, heating and the movement of furniture and travel bags all serve to maintain population levels. Bed Bug excrement gives a characteristic speckled appearance to their harbourages, whilst their 'stink glands' confer a distinctive and unpleasant almond like smell in infested rooms.
Fleas can be vectors of disease or may transmit parasitic worms. Social stigma and psychological problems may arise with the induction of delusory parasitosis, in which the victim imagines he is infected with ectoparasites. The Dog Flea is an intermediate host of the Dog Tapeworm. Cat Fleas are now responsible for over 75% of all flea infestations.