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Cat Lymphoma And The Digestive System

27 18:17:40
The most common type of cancer in cats is Lymphoma, which accounts for almost 33% of cat cancers. While lymphoma shares the same cellular breakdown as all cat cancers, new methods for treating immune disease indicate that gastrointestinal lymphomas' may be preventable. And if it is, well.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in cats, as well as GI Lymphoma, are gastrointestinal disorders that develop when the lining of the intestinal tract is severly inflammed. Frequent diarrhea and vomiting are early warning signs; when they not addressed, the inflammation increases, putting great stress on the immune system. Chronic vomiting or diarrhea are the most common symptoms of IBD and GI Lymphoma. If you wait until this stage it is almost impossible to determine the actual cause. However, unresolved food allergies and food sensitivities are known contributers to immune system dysfunction

The jury is out as to which comes first, intestinal lining inflammation setting the stage for IBD, or the IBD causing the inflammation. Either way, IBD has been directly linked to GI lymphoma in cats. Chronic vomiting or diarrhea frequently go unnoticed, and at some point the resulting inflammation and scar tissue that develops along the lining of the intestine can cause abnormal cell growth, leading to GI Lymphoma.

Veterinarians choose to treat IBD with steroids and other medications, whereas the natural approach recommends herbal anti-inflammatories, soothing agents, and soil-based probiotics (SBOs). The best way to prevent any GI disorder or disease is to make sure the GI tract has the benefit of SBOs on a regular basis.

The Roll of Good Bacteria: The foundation of a strong immune system is a healthy digestive environment. By providing your cat with SBO supplements, you can help prevent most cases of diarrhea or vomiting from becoming acute or chronic conditions that can develop into GI lymphoma or any other cancer in your cats. If your cat already has cancer, fortifying the immune system can be a powerful adjunct to traditional therapies, making them more effective, and thereby extending their lives. The Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain claims, "90% of all chronic disease is caused by an unhealthy intestinal system".

Clearly, improving gastrointestinal health has a synergistic effect on improving your cats' immune system, and therefore their ability to deal with the toxic effects of conventional medical treatment. In addition, cats with cancer often develop vomiting and diarrhea as a direct result of the medication and radiation insult occurring to their body, which further weakens their immune system by impeding the absorption of essential nutrients and energy necessary to fight the cancer.

It is the imbalance of good and bad bacteria in your cats' GI tract that opens the door for illnesses and diseases, including cancer. In times of stress or illness, the good bacteria in the gut die off even more quickly. Daily supplementation of soil-based probiotic organisms (SBOs), are essential to restore and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. These healthy bacteria do more than normalize the digestive system; they help your cat to digest more of the nutrients, to better fight disease.