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Bird Dust---5 Reasons To Get Rid Of It

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The white powder that Cockatoos, African Greys, and Cockatiels produce is natural by-product of healthy wings. But that often feels like little consolation to those who feel like they are unable to reduce its presence in their lives. Don't stop trying to get rid of it. Here are 5 unhealthy effects it can have.

Clogs Bird Airways---Bird's air passages are well known for being very small. This is necessary because birds are relatively small. But even though they are small, these tubes are very efficient at delivering air to the blood stream quickly.

In the wild the dust from their wings would dissipate into the air or the birds would fly away and high particle count would seldom become an issue. Unless you actively take out the huge number of particles that the bird alone generates, it is easy for their airways to become blocked.

If the blockage doesn't cause the bird to die from lack of oxygen immediately, the build-up in the air passages can become a haven for the disease and infection. And because birds instinctively hide signs of illness, disease often progresses beyond repair before owners are even aware that there is a problem.

Facilitates The Spread Of Disease---Airborne bacteria and viruses often travel from one host to another by attaching to larger particles. They can then be inhaled or ingested and cause problems for other birds, animals, and even humans.

Being able to take out these particles not only keeps the particulates from causing problems, but eliminates the airborne germs as well.

Causes Respiratory Problems---Many people who have never had problems with allergies or asthma can suddenly start to show symptoms when continually exposed to huge amounts of bird dust and dander. Sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion, coughing and a chest that feels constricted can all be signs that your body is not happy with the air.

And when you love a bird, it's hard to have an allergist recommend that your only choice is to find another home for your bird because of the fantastic amounts of allergens it will continue to send into your air.

Aggravates Respiratory Conditions---It is the protein in the dander (microscopic pieces of dead skin) that cause allergy and allergy flare ups. And since these flakes adhere easily to other particles, they attach to wing dust and other more normal household pollutants. That makes them a prime target for inhalation.

Dust lying on surfaces can get on hands, and if you rub your eyes before washing your hands these allergens have entered your body. It can be a totally frustrating situation for you and the bird.

Causes Messy Looking Home---Loving a pet often helps owners overlook the way they can make a home look. We don't see it because what our pets give us in return makes the cleanup they require worth it. This is not so for people visiting your home who are not as emotionally invested in your pet as you are.

This can mean that family and friends hesitate to come over because of the way your home looks, or because they are allergic to the allergens. And if you are aware of the way your home can sometimes look, you may hesitate to invite neighbors or co-workers over.

Life's too short to have to choose between your bird and a high quality of life. Filtering the air is one of the most effective, yet non-invasive ways to love a bird and enjoy a healthy lifestyle too.