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The Crushing Blow Of Pet Loss

28 11:50:55
Losing a beloved pet delivers a crushing blow, there's no doubt about it.

It can be emotionalloy shattering as well as physically debilitating.

Your chest might hurt. Your heart might physically ache. You may feel as if
you've been kicked in the stomach.

Life might seem devoid of joy. You might find it impossible to concentrate,
and you may experience no enthusiasm for your usually activities.

These things are normal, but they can really interfere with your life. It's
necessary to go through a period of mourning in order to deal with the loss
of your pet, but you don't want it to go on too, too long, or it can
negatively affect your health.

Sadly, no one teaches us how to deal with this very painful and often
misunderstood situation. Not everyone has had a pet, and even amongst pet
lovers there are those who are not deeply affected by their pet's death.

For others, however -- like you, perhaps -- losing a pet means losing a
member of their family.

Don't expect your church to offer solace following the death of your pet, but
be grateful if someone there does. It's only recently that the mental health
industry has begun to acknowledge how much people suffer when they lose a
cherished animal companion.

And people are beginning to realize that animals, too, have souls.

The pain you feel is real. Don't try to deny it. And don't think yourself
crazy because of the depth of your loss.

It's nothing to be ashamed of. It shows a profound humanity to be able to
feel that much.

The more you allow yourself to feel, the quicker you'll heal. It's blocking
your feelings or stuffing them that will prolong the mourning process.

Be thankful that you are able to feel, even if for now it hurts. To be able
to grieve means that you are open to experiencing your life. In the long run,
it's better than being numb.