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Some Important Information On Mange

27 11:51:47
A very unfortunate situation for a family pet to have to endure is the skin condition commonly referred to as mange. The effects of this issue can be very dramatic and troubling for both pets and their owners. All pet owners should take a bit of time to become familiar with this common problem.

This issue is actually a contagious skin disease in which the cause is the infestation is microscopic, parasitic mites. The mites will begin digging into the epidermis of the animal to feed upon skin, hair follicles, and oil glands. The results of this infestation are usually very apparent, and a bit unsettling.

This problem is most commonly known to affects animals with fur, namely dogs and cats. It can be an issue for other animals as well, even humans. Luckily, these parasites cannot survive with a human host, and tend to die off within a week or two.

The symptoms of this skin infestation are usually very apparent and noticeable. The animal will begin developing itchy skin and will scratch at it regularly. This scratching often leads to sores or lesions. Soon, the hair will usually begin falling out in patches resulting in a dramatic change in physical appearance. The animal can become stressed, weak, and can experience weight loss. If gone untreated this issue can result in the death of the animal.

Although there are plenty of treatment options, prevention is the best method of dealing with this potentially dangerous issue. Prevention, unfortunately, is very difficult to accomplish because of the ease at which this parasite is passed form animal to animal. It helps to keep the animal away from stray animals or other pets that you fear may have the issue. Good hygiene and a healthy diet are also ideal ways to keep the animal healthy and lessen risk of contraction.

You will find numerous treatment options available. It is important, however, that you speak with a qualified veterinarian if it is possible. The vet can then address the severity of the specific case and recommend the best treatment options for your pet. These treatment options generally take the form of medicated dips and injections aimed at killing off the infection.

Although it is very common, mange is a potentially deadly issue that should immediately be addressed. If approached correctly, the issue is rarely a serious one and can usually be taken care of within a few weeks. Remember to speak with a veterinarian about the best options available for your particular situation.