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Toilet Training Cats Is Easy

27 11:51:27
Most of us take toilet training cats for granted: Most kittens seem to learn with very little help from their owners, particularly if you have the mother or another cat in the home to teach them. Even if you don't, most felines seem to be magnetically drawn to the litter box with very little urging from you. There are however some instances when a kitten won't take to their litter box and instead may find a houseplant, or worse yet your carpet. Not catching problem behavior quickly might mean your cat will develop a habit of going wherever they please.

Creating a private environment

This is an important first step when toilet training cats: Many of us need privacy to do our business, yet don't give our animals the same respect. Most dogs are quite happy urinating, or having a bowel movement with the whole town staring at them. Cats are a little different in most cases and plenty of cat owners out there will tell you how their cat will make a quick exit from their litter box when someone enters the room. Put the litter box in a room where your kitten will have some privacy to sniff around their box and get comfortable (litter boxes with a top enclosure are also ideal).

Lock the door

This doesn't mean permanently locking your kitten in a room and throwing away the key. Rather, if you can put your kitten alone in a small room with their litter box they will have much less opportunity to explore other areas to do their business. This is only necessary when your toilet training cats; after they're used to it and use the box frequently, you can move the box wherever you wish. Usually one or two day in a room with their box is all they need to become comfortable with their litter box.