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A Puppy For Christmas

27 11:50:04
In theory, getting a new puppy is fine, even at Christmas time, but the problems arise when people spontaneously buy a puppy and take it home without a thought for the long term effects of a new addition to the family.
Another point to remember is that the cute little puppy will grow up into a great bounding dog, with a long and busy life ahead of it. Its really not fair to give someone a present which they must care for, and pay for, for usually about 12 years. The new pet will need to be fed and exercised; it will need health care and grooming, and will most probably cost the owners a lot of time and money. Therefore the decision give a puppy as a gift, or to bring home a puppy for Christmas, should not be taken lightly.
If you and your family, or someone you know well, really wants a new dog, then go about choosing it carefully, as you would choose a puppy at any other time of the year. Visit a reputable breeder, an animal rescue group, or a decent animal shelter and ask lots of questions. Be prepared to be questioned yourself, as anyone who is happy to just hand you a puppy is not to be trusted.
Its also a good idea to wait until after the Christmas season to collect your chosen puppy. Not only will the excitement and stress of the Christmas season be hard to handle with a new puppy which needs attention and housetraining, but also when the New Year begins in earnest the new owners could find themselves having difficulties caring for a small puppy when life returns to normal and they have to work, the kids are back at school and the puppy still needs housetraining, regular feeds and plenty of attention.
If you have carefully considered all the options and are convinced that a new puppy at Christmas time is the way to go, or if you find yourself with a puppy as a Christmas gift yourself, then the best option is to take out pet insurance immediately. Not only will this help with the financial burden of pet health care, but it will also ensure that your new addition the family has the best care available should he need it. Pet insurance is available from as little as a few pounds a month and can make a huge difference in the long run.