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How to Prevent Different Cat Behavioral Problems?

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Has your cat became fussy recently or behaving in unusual ways? Most of the time this is related to anxiety or behavior problem, which is mostly ignored by pet parents. Have you ever ponder upon why your cat is suddenly misbehaving or why she is showing such a strange pattern. The answer lies within her behavioral problem.


Generally, pet parents are ignorant about the cat behavioral problem that comes next to allergies. Whether they have brought a new cat into the house or introducing a new pet to the house, some changes are seen in the feline behavior, which are regarded as anxiety or behavioral problems.

According to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy there are top five behavioral problems related to cats that dramatically fall back to animal shelters due to their strong offensive and destructive behavior. If you have cats, it is crucial that you learn about these common signs that depicts that your cat may have some behavioral issue.

Don't take this for granted - the most common behavioral issues:

  • Soiling and littering the house
  • Conflicts arising between a new pet and other pets
  • Destructive in nature
  • Aggressive towards human
  • Aggressive towards other animals

Providing cats behavioral treatment, pet parents at large can gain back their pet's lovely companionship. Furthermore, understanding some common patterns of cat's normal behavior and preventing the situations that cause anxiety, can definitely help you create a beautiful environment for your cat to stay with you.

Here are preventive measures that you can follow to avoid anxiety problems in your cat.

How to Prevent Littering and Soiling Problem

  • If you have more than one cat, provide separate litter box for each cat along with an additional box to avoid conflicts arising between cats.
  • Clean litter box often - once or twice daily as cats do not like to use messy ones same as humans.

How to Prevent Destructive Scratchy Behavior

  • Scratching is wild life's natural behavior. Provide 'scratchable' items near your cat's resting area or somewhere they feel to use them to avoid serious injuries due to compulsive skin picking.
  • Take your cat's paws and rub on the preferred scratching surface or board. To your catty you may look like an idiot but doesn't matter, this will prevent exhaustive scratching that can lead to severe bruising.

How to Prevent Aggression towards Other Animals

  • Introduce your furry feline to new or other animals slowly. Create a separate place for them such that they get well acquainted with each other's roar or smell.
  • If you come across a destructive dispute between your cat and other animal, which was co-habiting nicely, then a visit to a vet will definitely help to reveal the underlying problem.

How to Prevent Aggression towards People

  • If during play sessions, your cute cat-ty is being more aggressive then spell out - "OUCH" word a big louder. This discourages her to repeat it again.
  • Provide your feline with plenty of soft and chewable cat toys. This will help to keep them busy rather than getting bored and a bit cruel like attacking your feet while you are working.

Well, the above are a few guidelines, but it is worth noticing and introducing to prevent any behavioral problem in your cat. At times, it is frustrating and disheartening to see your cat's irrational behavior. You feel agitated and just want to shoo her away. Thus, try to know the reasons behind your cat's behavior, which can help you understand them well. Moreover, preventing certain circumstances and providing them extra care and love can definitely make them immune to behavioral issues.