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Keeping Your Dog Away From Separation Anxiety Through Yorkie Training

28 11:42:27
What we know to be separation anxiety is actually boredom, or the dog simply taking advantage of chances to vent its emotions somewhere discreet. If your dog spends a good bulk of its waking hours being your shadow, and the mess in your home happens within the first 20 minutes of your absence (try coming back soon to verify this), then it is likely your dog has a separation anxiety case.
If the problem is indeed separation anxiety, then the first yorkie training step to take is first to try to make your arrivals and leavings low-key and not noisy. Do not hype your "hellos" and "goodbyes."
Try to make interactions with your dog on your terms, not the dog's. This means you pet the dog, give it treats, or play with it when you want to, not when it asks for it (no matter how cutely).
Go through your getting-ready-to-leave routine (e.g. getting your keys and jacket, changing into dress shoes) a few times but with the intention of staying at home, without really leaving. This way your Yorkie will learn to forget about its fears every time it sees your departure symptoms.
Give your Yorkie exercise. A tired dog is a good dog, so keep in mind that your dog needs mental exercise, socialization, and the experiencing of new places and new smells.
Keep your little one preoccupied while you are away! A yorkie puppy training expert once said that the best remedy to many dog problems is that they be made to earn their fun. So fill a Kong or a hollow bone with peanut butter.
How do you react upon arriving at home and seeing the dog's destruction? In any case, punishment will not work since it does not bring down the dog's anxiety nor give it an alternative behavior. More experienced dog owners need to differentiate the dog's "appeasement display" look, meant to stop threats of spanking, with the "guilty look," which hints that the dog regrets the bad deed.
Have you given a thought to crating your dog? This is yet another important yorkie training idea. But before doing so, your dog will need to know how to "hold" it for as long as it is inside the crate. You will also need to give the dog good amounts of exercise so that its main activity inside the crate is sleeping. Be warned though that some dogs are not used to being all alone in a crate and seeing all around that its really all alone.