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Training Staffordshire Bull Terriers With Some Simple Principles

28 11:42:12
Training staffordshire bull terriers can effortlessly be done at home, and you do not necessarily have to get your dog to obedience classes. You merely have to make sure that you commence the training when the Staffordshire bull terrier is still fairly young and is still a puppy. However, you can still train mature staffies successfully; it will just take a bit more effort.
Despite the fact that these dogs appear rather intimidating, they are very lovable and exuberant. Staffies are also well known for being very loyal dogs. To make sure that you build a great relationship with your staffy, it is a really good idea to get started with their training programme as soon as you can.
As you start out with training staffordshire bull terriers, make sure you promptly get into a consistent routine. You should make sure that you have a routine and stick with it. The dog must be fed, taken for a walk and he/she must be put to bed at approximately the same time each day. Dogs are much happier if you stick to routines, and can get fairly confused and anxious if their routine is broken. Staffies do like to take food from your hand but it is best not to invite this and in fact your fundamental training must try and get rid of this special trait.
You will also have to have a leash to use throughout any session for training staffordshire bull terriers. Staffies are a particularly muscular breed and they can easily get excited, causing you to lose command of them if you are not heedful. Leash training your staffy from an early stage will obviate the chance of it escaping and causing harm to you or your dog. Training when the dog is still a puppy is the best time.
If you want to stop your puppy chewing shoes, clothes and other costly items, get it a strong chewable toy to divert it from causing any damage. When choosing toys for your staffy, you should make all reasonable attempts to make sure the toy is robust since staffies have strong jaws and teeth.
You should give your dog a firm no and leave it in no doubt that you do not like what it is doing when you catch it chewing on clothes or furniture. Do this from a juvenile age and you will glean the benefits when the dog is stronger.
All living things must interact with other living things and it is the same with dogs. This dog in particular can be fairly belligerent towards other dogs and unless you want to make some enemies for life, you should make certain you nip this behavior in the bud early on.
When your dog shows signs of wanting to attack another dog, specially someone else's pet, you should discipline your dog on the spot and make it apparent that you do not approve. You should invite good sociable conduct in your staffy by rewarding it with a treat or a pat. This will make certain that your pet is dependable to be with and a pleasure to own. The chief item to remember in training staffordshire bull terriers is that early training as a pup will give the best and quickest results.