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Staffy Puppy Training - The First 12 Months Are Vital

28 11:41:46
Staffy puppy training is one of the most fundamental priorities when you first obtain a staffordshire bull terrier. In the first year, you need to go through some crucial training to keep your home clean and your puppy safe from harm. You can likewise work on those aspects of training that will protect others from your dog. Staffies undoubtedly have some distinct traits and physical characteristics which you need to take into account when staffy puppy training, but the basic methods are similar to those used for other types of dogs.
Fundamental dog training at an early age is hugely important since you want to instill good habits as soon as possible. Akin to children, this is a time when your puppy will be trained better because it will not find the training as a task, but simply as a conventional way of life.
You will have to start with teaching your pet about going to the bathroom outside of the house. This can be done in one of two ways. You can teach your dog about going during certain parts of the day, like after each meal or before bed time. However, you will need to consider what you will do if your dog needs to do its business between these times, which can happen during an illness. So teaching your pet to let you know when it wants to go to the toilet is very helpful.
If you get to this part of staffy training early enough it won't be too troublesome. Believe it or not, all you need to do is ask your dog if it wants to go, whenever you let it outside. Your staffy's toilet time will rapidly become linked to bathroom time, and if you ask it and it jumps up, it is ready to go. Of course, the animal will ignore you if it does not.
A potentially dangerous time for a new dog is when you take it outside to explore and play. For instance, most folks live in urban areas with plenty of cars, people and other pets. In this type of busy environment, the commands of sit, come and stay are extremely useful. This can take some time and is considered one of the hardest. In fact, there are a few owners who cannot do this at all.
Your puppy will truly savour being allowed to run around in the local parkland and explore, but don't give them too much freedom at the outset. One excellent idea that will assist is to teach your staffy to sit when you are in the safety of your home, and then get it used to the same command out in the garden. You will need to allow it to explore while on the lead when at the park but you could work your way up to allowing it off the lead. Ultimately you can even educate your dog to dispense with their lead entirely, and walk quietly along beside you.
Make sure you deal fairly speedily with your dog's habit to struggle on the lead when they are close to people and animals, since this is a really helpful and important part of staffy puppy training. It is worth noting that if the dog has been around its litter long enough, it will recognize how to do this on its own. One way to see any changes in your dog's socializing skills is to see how it responds when you have visitors during the first year of its' life. It's behavior could range from jumping up on your guests or just quietly walking over to say hello. The placid behavior is what you are aiming for.
These ideas and principles are a good starting place for staffy puppy training and make an excellent base for more sophisticated training techniques.