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Tips For Successful Labrador Retriever Training At Home

27 10:43:55
Having a gun dog doesn't necessarily mean you have to enroll your lab to formal labrador retriever training classes. Indeed, you can choose to do so but training at home isn't bad either. In fact, many dog owners just like you prefer labrador training at home simply because it's a wonderful opportunity for you, your pet and the rest of the family to bond. Through this, you'll get to know more about your dog's character, what frightens him the most, exactly what toys and treats he favors, what are his funny habits and so on.

Labrador retriever training may seem tough knowing that this breed is recognized as one of the exceptionally intelligent breeds. But even though you are a new pet owner, you never have to be scared of doing things all on your own. You'll be fine provided that you put in action the things you learned from reading articles, magazines and books, researching the web and asking questions from experts as well as other dog owners, specially those who own labrador retrievers.

When you prefer to train your dog at home, it is vital that you exhibit confidence to ensure that you gain your pet's trust and respect. Feeling nervous will only mislead your dog and will not help him learn effectively. If you're stressed, unhappy or frustrated, better postpone the training momentarily since dogs have their own way to know your emotions and may follow what you are feeling. Additionally, lack of confidence on your part might make your pet believe that he's the leader of the pack. This in turn can stress your dog out because he believes that as alpha, he needs to take charge and protect the pack from what he perceives as threat. That is one big load he thought he must carry! In addition to that, alpha dogs may also display disobedience and may bark back or snap at you when you give a command. So how can you get positive labrador retriever training result if you have a disobedient dog?

Move ahead with the training by adding consistency to confidence. If your lab's name is Max, call him Max throughout the training. Calling him baby or buddy will only result in confusion. The lessons ought to be consistent too. If you don't want your dog to jump up on people, train him to do so regardless of the situation. You can't train a dog that it is not alright to jump on you when you are wearing your costly suit while such act is allowed when you're on your pajamas. Letting family members know what's going on with the training can also help with the consistency issue.

While you focus your attention on training, you may overlook the chance to recognize and reward your dog for every desirable behavior he displays. That is one thing canine owners must not forget. Remember, dogs are motivated by rewards, affection and praise. Rewards will make him figure out that he gets good things by doing a certain task thus will encourage him to do it again next time.

Labrador retriever training at home may appear impossible and hard but with your confidence, consistency as well as cooperation from other members of the family, you'll soon realize that you're moving forward to achieve your dream of having a well-trained labrador retriever.