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How To Train Cats

28 11:30:18
How To Train Cats

Cats are wondrous, wonderful creatures, and are filled with curiosity. They can be snuggly, affectionate and friendly creatures; often content to nap on a human lap and be stroked until their fur glistens. Some are more standoffish and will only allow the occasional solemn head pat before regally stalking off to stretch and preen in the sunshine. And others are just way out there wild cats, hell bent on running straight up the walls in pursuit of invisible prey, knocking down all who dare get in their pathway. While you cannot change the basic nature of the cat that you have in your home, you may wonder just how can I train this energetic ball of fur? How you can change some of his more obnoxious behavior? Just how can you train a cat?

Your first cat-training tip should be to understand why they do some of the things that they do. Some cat behavior is out of boredom, some out of transitional changes as they grow out of kitten stages into adulthood, and some can be a symptom of impending or ongoing illnesses. Knowing which is which can help you to avoid potentially dangerous problems before they become life threatening.

Once you have a basic understanding of how to train cats and the why's of cat behavior, you can start working on the things that he will need to change.You are on your way to learning how to train cats. Make sure that you have a list of the poor behavior, and start with the worst offender first. Try to teach new behaviors one at a time, because too many changes will make the cat confused and potentially worst behaved than before. If a cat is doing something that is possibly dangerous that problem should be addressed first, otherwise, it is at your own discretion.

Remember that learning how to train cats is a matter of patience triumphing over frustration. Shouting at a cat does not work at all, and in fact will bring up a whole new set of issues. Timid cats will become even more fearful, and aggressive cats may take your shouting as an actual threat, so remember that a startled cat will not always react with James Bond coolness- sometimes they bite.

Do not bother with reprimanding your cat, as it is often an ineffective maneuver as well. Cats will learn that getting caught doing the targeted behavior brings about some horrible reactions, so they will simply learn to hide better. This is seen frequently with toileting issues. A cat will stop using his litter box for a variety of reasons, including illness, so that you must find out why. Finding kitty messes after the fact is a pain, but it will not do you any good to drag the offending furball over to the spot, show it to him and then take him to the litter box. Unless he is a brand new cat or you have moved homes recently, he knows full well where that litter box was, he just did not use it. Find out why and the behavior should be stopped. Eliminate all causes, including sickness, and then work from there. Some cats will never use a litter box, but will allow themselves to be trained to use an alternative. Bizet, the big fluffy cat is too big for the litter box, but he does scratch at the door when he needs to go. He is a psycho the majority of the time, but for this one, he deserves a good kitty!

Advantages of Learning how to train cats

Despite all of the stereotypes, kitties are not completely self-sufficient creatures. They still need their human families to feed and water them, and to protect them from the elements. And, despite all of their protests against it, kitties need their humans to love them. Adopting a cat can be a very rewarding feeling, as well as a major challenge at times. We want our family life to be calm and warm, not frantic and frustrating, so we need all of the members, including the furry ones, to be at their best behavior. Learning how to train cats can ensure that you have a gentle, loving pet that does not eat your furniture and pee in your houseplants. Training your cat does not only protect it from potential dangers, but keeps your belongings safe from destruction as well.

Cats claw, scratch, bite and chew for many reasons. If they are doing these things to food items or their cat toys, that is great, but many times they will find something else. Cats that chew on the new divan or the electrical cords are not only destroying property, they are also potentially put their own lives in danger. Young cats will mouth or chew on things for the same reasons that puppies and human babies do- they are exploring their world, as well as teething. Give them substitutes and reward them for chewing on the right items. If an older cat has suddenly developed a urge to gnaw on things other than food or usual toys, then consider whether he is bored, or if it is possible that he has a nutritional deficiency.

Poorly trained kitties will often start using the entire house as their personal litter box. If you have ever walked in the house when the litter box needs to be changed, you know how disgusting that can truly be. If your cat is using items like your bed or favorite chair to potty on, he might be sending you a message. Does he loathe the new litter you bought? Did you move his litter box? Or, have you started spending too much time with that guy in 2A that stomps his feet at kitty when you are not in the room? Although most cats will train well to the box and never have issues, some are more stubborn and this behavior can often be the deal breaker for many families.

A well-trained cat will charm and amuse your guests when they come to your home. He will make your days seem warmer and brighter. Because he knows what is expected of him, he will not have as much anxiety, leading to a calmer more easily controlled cat. Calmer cats are more affectionate because they are not nervous or high-strung. Training your cat allows him to focus on good behaviors and the things that make a cat's life a good one; napping, eating and stalking dust motes in the sunny patch by the window.