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3 Tips To Make Green Cleaning Products More Effective

27 11:22:30
Green cleaning products can be just as powerful as other products that contain high concentrations of various chemicals, but we all can use a few tips on how to make sure we use them to their maximum potential.

#1: Clean as often as possible.

Not only is much easier to keep your home clean and presentable if you keep up with the cleaning daily, but regular attention will also make your products more effective. When you spray a cleaning product onto an extremely dirty surface the active ingredients are spread thinner as they try to clean up the huge mess.

When you spray the same cleaner on a surface that may be a bit dirty but which has been scrubbed routinely, the cleaner is not spread as thin and will do a much better job killing dangerous bacteria. You will also notice more shine to surfaces that are cleaned on a regular basis.

If you find it difficult to stick to a regular cleaning schedule find ways to incorporate different tasks into your daily routine. This way you just do it without thinking.

#2: Use baking soda to get rid of odors in carpets and rugs.

One thing that some people notice about using green cleaning products is that they don't always effectively combat odors in carpeting and other fabrics. You don't have to go back to those chemical-filled products to remedy this problem. Just keep baking soda on hand and sprinkle it over the carpeting and rugs a little before you are going to sweep.

Again, the more frequently you sweep with baking soda the fewer odors you are going to have in your home.

#3: Check the concentration of ingredients if you make your own cleaning supplies.

If you are going to be making some or all of your own cleaning products make sure you are putting the right concentration of all ingredients when you mix it up. The one thing that can make any product less effective is a shortage of the most important ingredients. That goes not only for products you make for yourself, but products you purchase in stores as well.

If you are using a recipe for a cleaner that you found online make sure it is coming from a legitimate source that you trust. If it is coming from a blog or a site that you are familiar with you can check the information by reading a lot of different sites and following many different blogs. Over time you will gain a lot of general knowledge about making cleaning supplies and will be able to spot inaccuracies when you see them.

If you are purchasing green cleaning products online or through a local store or distributor pay close attention to label instructions on how much you should be using. If you don't spray enough you could be getting a lower concentration of the active ingredients which could interfere with the power of the cleaner to fight bacteria, mold, and old other germs.

As long as you use them frequently and correctly, green products are every bit as effective at cleaning your home as products that contain a ton of chemicals. The only real difference is they don't risk your health and they won't hurt your children or your pets.