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Important Facts About Snakes

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Snakes are one of the most misunderstood animals on the planet. Many people have an innate fear of them but in reality most snakes are harmless and will only bite if provoked. Below are a few common misconceptions and myths about snakes and the truth behind them.
All snakes are poisonous. Actually, less than 20% of the worlds species are actually venomous. Also, there are very few species that will attack for no reason.
There are a few ways you can tell the difference between a venomous snake and a non-venomous snake. Some non-venomous species have adapted themselves to look like venomous snakes when they are afraid but if you see one in the wild, it is always best to assume that it is dangerous and stay away. The main difference between the two types of snakes is that venomous snakes have a diamond shaped head, whereas non-venomous snakes have a round-shaped head. As well as this, venomous snakes usually have elliptical eyes (a similar shape to cats) whereas non-venomous snakes have round eyes.
Snakes feel slimy. Contrary to feeling slippery, their skin is actually very dry. Snakes have very muscular bodies, which are covered in scales. Since they have no limbs, this helps them move around.
Snakes want to bite people. There are three reasons a non-venomous snake might bite you: you smell like food, it thinks you are a predator or it is scared. If you have been handling warm-blooded animals like rodents or even cats and dogs, you might smell like these animals to the snake, which will mistake you for food.
The majority of snake bites in the wild happen when someone accidently steps on a snake or disturbs its home. In these situations the snake feels threatened and will try and defend itself and its home. With pet snakes, they may feel threatened if you reach down to pick them up as they may mistake you for a predator. Normally, snakes will just get out of a threatening situation as fast as possible but if they feel cornered for any reason, they will resort to biting.
Snakes are dangerous pets. This is not at all the case. Many snakes that are used to being handled actually make great pets. If you are thinking of getting a pet snake there are many breeds to choose from. However, most people will advise against getting a venomous or constricting snake, especially if you are an inexperienced snake owner. While most snakes are normally harmless, those breeds that are potentially dangerous to their owners should not be considered as good pets.
Like any pet, you need to make sure you have researched snakes thoroughly before getting one. If you have never owned a snake before, it might be a good idea to talk to someone who has knowledge about what breeds are best and how to care for them. Some snakes are potentially dangerous, but as a species they are generally misunderstood and can make very tame, entertaining pets.