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Protect Your Home With Neighborliness

27 11:20:47
When you move into a new neighborhood, you may hesitate at marching yourself up and introducing yourself to the neighbors or inviting them over for a meal.However, this is not only friendly; it is good sense.Establishing yourself, your family and your friends as positive presences in the neighborhood will also establish your home and property something of interest.This can make neighbors unofficial watchmen over your property, which will increase your safety.

Many people have experienced the loss of the neighborhood connection, especially in bigger cities.This separation from ones immediate community can mean that criminals have a better chance of operating in the area without being warned off or apprehended.The isolation of neighbors means that strangers in the area are assumed to be guests or residents of a home instead of remarked upon and questioned.The old social network of over-the-fence chats and borrowing of sugar used to also be the litmus test of people entering into the territory of the neighborhood.Today, in many areas, not so much.

When you move in, introduce yourself to the neighbors, in person if possible, or by letter.Invite them to a social gathering, such as a barbecue or dinner.By establishing yourself as someone friendly and familiar, you can make yourself and your property of interest to your neighbors and they are more likely to watch for suspicious people or activities.This goes both ways; you should make an effort to get to know your neighbors, their families and friends and keep an eye out for their things.

Work to establish enough trust that you can look out for your neighbors property when they are away from home and they will return the favor.While professional house sitters and pet care services are a good option, nothing takes the place of someone who knows the rhythm of the neighborhood.By showing care for your neighbors property, you are increasing your chances of having them care more about what happens to yours.

This does not just apply to preventing break-ins and vandalism; it can also be as simple as gathering up your neighbors wash if the wind blows it into your yard and helping them with home repair projects if time and circumstances permit.You may find that this produces people who are willing to help you with your own home projects or forgive an accidental incursion of a soccer ball into their garden.Dont feel that you have to volunteer to help reroof their home!You dont have to be everybodys best friend; even a simple Hi, John or Hi, Mary! can go a long way to make your relations with your neighbors better.

You gain both safety and good neighborhood relations by establishing friendly bonds with your neighbors.This is a good way to make yourself into someone of value and interest to your neighbors.If something threatens someone or something of value, neighbors are more likely to view it as a threat to them and respond.This can serve to protect your property and your family in the event of someone prowling around who has no business being there.