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How to Care For a Pet Turtle

2016/5/4 10:36:21

Turtles are a one of the most interesting pets to have but a large number of pet turtles die each year because their owners do not realize the special needs of this reptile. Thankfully, once you understand proper turtle care you have a pet that only requires about 30 minutes of maintenance each day and have a pet companion that could live for 25 years or more.

Before purchasing a pet turtle, a little research should be done on the different pet species available. Some turtle species need more hands on care; requiring more detailed housing needs, special diets and environments. For example, snapping turtles are more aggressive and soft shell turtles are more vulnerable to impure water and damage from rocks. For those with no experience taking care of turtles, red eared sliders and Russian tortoises make a good hardy turtle to start with. Make sure to check the laws in your states before buying a turtle, because of the risk of salmonella, turtles less than 4 inches are illegal to sell. Keeping red eared sliders as pets are also regulated in some areas.

The first step to proper turtle care is creating an environment for your pet. Turtles placed indoors will need at least a 40 gallon tank. This allows enough room for creating a wet and dry area for your pet with enough space to move around and exercise. However, as your pet grows in size you might periodically have to buy a larger tank. Besides glass aquariums, large rubber tubs work well for housing turtles. The water in your tank should be six inches or more, making it deep enough for your pet to swim in. Because chlorine and fluoride are present in tap water, it is not suitable for your turtle's drinking water. Instead, use natural spring water.

A good rule of thumb is to make the tank three fourths water and one fourth dry land. For the dry area, large flat rocks work well to provide a basking area, where your turtle can completely dry off. A curved log is one way to help your turtle easily climb out of the water and make it to the dry area of the tank. Though tank decorations are not required, you may want to add some to add aesthetic value. If you do, avoid any items with sharp or pointed edges, if live plants are added ensure they will not harm your turtle.

Place the tank in a quiet low traffic area of the home. A new turtle might be stressed out by being in a new environment and may be shy and retreat when people enter the room. Turtles are cold blooded animals so the aquarium must be heated to keep them active. A consistent temperature around 80 degrees Fahrenheit will keep them from getting sluggish, though some species require higher temperatures. An ultraviolet light can be used during the day, to help your turtle absorb essential Vitamin D3 needed to utilize calcium. The ultraviolet light should be turned off at night to indicate the end of the day, and help your pet keep a consistent schedule. Even with ultraviolet light, your pet turtle will still require regular exposure to direct sunlight.

A heavy duty filtration unit will be needed to keep the tank clean and fecal matter should be removed from the tank as soon as it appears for the same reason. For prevention of fungus, you can add ¼ cup of table salt for each five gallons of water. Changing the water by ten percent each week will also help maintain a clean environment. Even with regular maintenance, periodically you should remove your turtle and all items in the tank for a thorough cleaning. White vinegar can be used to clean the inside of the tank and the filter can be cleaned with water, no chemicals should be used when cleaning your pet's aquarium.

Though small turtles need to feed every day adult turtles should only be feed several times a week. The diet for turtles varies depending on species but most turtles are omnivores and a variety should be given to help your pet get the proper nutrition to stay in good health. Turtles can consume cooked chicken, low fat dog food, earthworms, fish, leafy green vegetables and fruits. Because turtles are messy eaters feeding in a separate container, will help keep the tank clean.

Turtles have sharp teeth and can bite, so be careful when sticking your hand into your turtle's aquarium or handling them by hand. You should always wash your hands after handling your pet turtle because of bacterial risk.

Young children should not be allowed to handle pet turtles without adult supervision. Pet turtles are not recommended as pets for those under five years of age.

Wear turtle jewelry to let others know how much you enjoy turtles