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5 Puppy House Training Problems and How To Fix Them

2016/5/4 10:32:33

Puppy house training problems are some of the biggest reasons owners consider getting rid of their puppies. They think that the dog just cannot learn this basic command. Yet, it is not the puppy's fault. There are several potential causes.

Why puppies have house training problems

Let's start with the medical side. There are several medical conditions that can be hindering your puppy's training, such as bladder infections. When you try everything and your puppy still relieves himself or herself inside the house, have your vet do an exam and, if necessary, resolve the medical issue.

The biggest reason you cannot house train the puppy is, sadly, your fault. Sorry, but it's true, if there are no underlying medical conditions.

How are you the problem? It can be one of several things, or a number of things.

1. Lack of patience. Did you know it takes a puppy as much as 6 months or more to become fully housetrained? You might resolve the majority of "accidents" long before that, but it takes more time for your puppy to gain complete control over its bladder and bowels. You must allow time for your puppy's elimination tract to strengthen.

2. Stop toilet training too soon. It is such a relief when your puppy first relieves himself outside that you are apt to think that he's trained. Nothing could be further from the truth. A few trips outside means little in the early stages.

3. Leaving the dog outdoors. Rather than spending time watching the puppy indoors, some owners simply let the dog stay outside. This is not training. This is simply putting the dog where he can eliminate when he's ready. When he's brought back indoors, he doesn't know the difference.

4. Delayed punishment. Dogs will not remember what they did 5 minutes ago, let along 15 minutes or more ago. If you come across an "accident", it's already too late to do anything but take the dog outside while you clean it up. You must catch your puppy in the act, or preparing to commit one. At that point, distract him and take him outside to his private "watering hole".

5. Overusing indoor house training aids. If you leave newspapers or special pads around for your puppy to use, it will take longer for him to make the transition to the outside. These devices are best used during the very early stages, in the first few weeks for example. Once those devices are removed, he will be less likely to relieve himself the moment he feels the urge.

There are many other things to consider as well, but if you follow these points, you will make tremendous headway in your puppy house training efforts.

Here's another article on house training your puppy: Puppy House Training: Why Isn't It Working? . Subscribe to Sylvia's Dog Talk Weekly Digest and receive ongoing factual and fun tidbits and advice about dogs. Join free.