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Who Else Wants to Know How To Eliminate Fleas in Dogs?

2016/5/4 10:30:21

If your dog is infested with fleas or parasites then this can have a serious effect to the length of his life. Discover secrets today how get rid of parasites that are making a home in your dogs coat and making life miserable for him.

Public enemy number 1 for a dog are fleas, or though there are small and not distinguishable with the human eye they are not to be underestimated with regard to how miserable they can make life for your dog.

The question is how to get rid of fleas when a dog is infested with them?

The primary thing you must realise that fleas are not just on the dog, if he or she is infected then it is for sure you will have fleas breeding in your home and even in the garden, and what's more they feed on human blood as well as dog's blood. They lay eggs all over your home and in the garden.

The bad news is the cold weather does not kill them it just sends them into hibernation, and when they come out of hibernation they start off again, leaping around almost invisible the only evidence they are around are the effects they are having on your dogs health, plus distinguishable poop that looks like little black spots of ground pepper all over the place.

You might be surprised to learn that fleas don't spend much of their time on the animal, and that's the reason they are difficult to eliminate. When you are looking for a solution you will require a pretty strong repellent to eliminate the adult fleas, but also to kill the young fleas and the eggs that are hatching.

Like all things in life if you are able to prevent fleas then this is better than having to find a cure. There are numerous ways to prevent fleas; however go about it and plan it like a military operation because that is what you are dealing with an army of fleas.

Keeping careful records is essential to keeping fleas at bay, the treatment periods can vary depending on the age and size of the dog it best to consult a vet to get the correct information.

Many people settle for the quick fix treatments available over the counter, however this is not recommended mainly because dogs are not the same, you need to get a treatment that is appropriate for your dog, and all treatments have different strengths according to the age and size of the dog.

What might be suitable for a Great Dame would not be the same as a Wire Fox Terrier, and what's more the treatment that the vet would recommend would not just be for fleas, there are further parasites to prevent for example; mite's ticks.

If your dog and home is infested with fleas then there are a couple of options you might consider.

Primarily you can get a pesticide and spray every room in your house and garden; you are going to have to be very thorough with this operation, however the negative side to this method is, pesticide is very strong and can affect humans, and dogs if they suffer from allergies of any kind, however this is arguable the quickest way to eliminate fleas in your dog, home, and garden.

The second method is not quite so harsh and that is to take a visit to the vets and get him to give you a prescription for a tropical anti flea solution for your dog or animal, however you are not off the hook yet, you will have to clean every room every day with a powerful vacuum cleaner, plus insert a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner bag to eliminate any fleas that the vacuum cleaner sucks up.

Another consideration is clothes and bedding in your home, they should be washed in the washing machine if possible every day until the fleas are gone.

All this may seem a bit extreme, but these are essential steps to take in order to get rid of fleas and parasites in your dog, home, and garden.

Numerous dog owners turn to the use of flea collars, however it is important to take into consideration that they have to be worn 24/7 to be effective.

Many top vets in the industry do not recommend them due to the toxic substances contained in the collars which could have an effect on your dog's skin condition and health in the long term

To keep your dog in good physical condition is a very in depth subject and I regret not be able to cover all there is to know in this short article.

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