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Beekeeping Supplies: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!

2016/5/4 10:29:14

A hobby that can be both profitable and interesting is beekeeping. It can also pose danger if not done carefully. Beekeepers need to have the right supplies to assist them in beekeeping. There are a number of supplies needed for the honey extraction as there are a number of supplies for the proper management and maintenance of bee colonies. It is vital that beekeepers are safe while doing their hobby. Tending the bees can prove to be very dangerous. Safety in beekeeping can be observed in various ways. Protective gears can be worn for safety against bee attacks. A hat and a veil in addition to gloves and beekeeping suit is an outfit a beekeeper must not do without. The hat and the veil will allow the wearer to protect their faces. A beekeeping suit is made of light weight materials. It is also white and full length. Bee stings cannot easily penetrate the suit thereby protecting the wearer from the venom of bees. Wearing gloves may be too troublesome while doing delicate tasks for beekeeping. The gloves, however protects the beekeeper's hands from any undesirable events while beekeeping.

The use of a "smoker" is one way of keeping the bees calm so beekeepers can work with them. The purpose of which is to emit smoke that would distract the bees from the intrusion of beekeepers. It uses various natural kinds of fuels such as hessian, twine, burlap and pine needles. Some beekeepers utilize corrugated card boards, rotten wood, pulped paper and compressed cotton. Others take advantage of aerosol cans of smoke. The smoke stimulates a feeding response within the bees. The bees would then tend to prepare in possibly abandoning their hive in the event of a fire. The alarm pheromones are also rendered useless as the smoke masks its release by the colony's guard bees when intrusion happens. The beekeeper then gains a chance to open the hive and work with it as confusion occurs and there is an absence of defensive reaction.

A number of beekeepers would still try to provide sugar syrup supplement for the bee's diet although bees can more than manage to collect their own food. This strategy is a way of preventing the bees from being starved during difficult times of the year. It will also initiate the bee's ability to lay eggs. A feeder can be utilized in feeding the bees. There are various feeders that the beekeepers can use. In the winter, they can make use of hive top, pail or division boards as feeders. At summer, an entrance feeder can prove very useful. The bees are most active outside the beehive at summertime.

In beekeeping, the house where you place the bee is of most importance. The bee colonies may be housed in artificial hives where a wax foundation is used. The foundation has a hexagonal cell base pattern that is embossed on each side. It is a thin sheet of wax which encourages the bees to construct combs. This allows the beekeepers to have more convenience when harvesting the honey. The bees are also assisted with the foundation since they do not have to exert much effort in building the combs.

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