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Barking Dog Training Ideas: Stop Nuisance Barking Before It Starts

2016/5/4 10:29:05

Dogs, like people, enjoy communicating. Dogs, unlike people, can communicate with very loud barking. Help your pet avoid becoming a nuisance by using some good barking dog training ideas.

Of course, we appreciate when our dog warns us of potential danger by barking. It is actually part of its nature to protect its family. And if its human family has loved it and trained it well, this type of barking only occurs when needed. It is really the other kinds of barking that is unpleasant.

Stopping nuisance barking can be problematic. Some dog breeds tend to be very vocal, and bark for all sorts of reasons. Mostly, dogs bark to communicate warnings, fear, loneliness, hunger or thirst, or when they want attention. But endless barking at all hours of the day and night can drive you and your neighbors crazy.

You can avoid much of the unnecessary barking by training your pet. Begin by using a firm voice to command it to stop. A single word such as stop or quit spoken with strength works well. Catching its attention is a good step to take when it is out of control. Once you have its attention, wait for it to stop barking, and then praise the dog for stopping, with affection. Praise the pet, and give it a small food treat as a reward. Do these steps with consistency and you may have great success rather quickly.

You really want to avoid shouting back at a barking dog. To the dog, it just sounds like his own barking, and he assumes you are joining his conversation. Keep your voice firm and strong, but do not shout.

The best time to begin training any dog to not bark is the minute it comes into your home. If you have a puppy, start right away. If you have adopted an older dog, do the same. The goal in both cases is to reward quiet with lots of praise and affection. If the dog barks, command it to stop, and then reward it with a treat when it does. Never reward the dog by yelling at it.

All nuisance barking has some kind of trigger. It may be coming from inside your dog. It also might be something in the neighborhood that is frightening or threatening it. Make certain that you learn what the trigger is. A neighborhood bully taunting your pet can be made to stop. Leaving the dog alone all day may prompt it to bark because it is lonely or needs something. Find the trigger, fix the problem, and you have a better chance of controlling the barking.

Often, dogs simply need more exercise, playtime, and petting. Make certain that you devote regular time for these things in your daily routine. Your dog will feel more confident that it is loved and part of your pack. Remember that dogs are social animals and need time together with you to feel safe. Try these simple barking dog training ideas to solve your problem quickly.

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