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How to Teach your Dog the Sit Command

2016/5/4 10:27:05

One of the first commands that dog owners would like to teach their dogs is the command "sit". You can use this command when you want your dog to stay put and to avoid following you around. Teaching your dog how to sit and how to obey other commands can be done through dog training. To most beginners, this can be a difficult job but you should not worry. There are a lot of dog training materials that can help you.

Most dogs have a strong attitude towards others so they are naturally stubborn. Before starting the training, make sure that your dog recognizes your voice and it turns to your direction once you call its name. Spending time with your dog will help it become familiar with your voice and this makes your dog training a lot easier. After making sure that your dog recognizes your voice, you can begin the training. Most expert dog trainers suggest that you use the rewards and punishment method when training your pet. Rewarding your dog with his favorite treats once it has done something good will make him understand that it was right and that he should repeat the good deed once you instruct him to do so. On the other hand, punish him when he has done something bad. This will let him know that you did not like what he did and that he should not do it again. This also makes him realize your authority and your seriousness about the training. However, make sure that you do not punish your dog so much because it can cause him to behave worse than before.

Aside from the proper training method, the environment also determines your success as a dog trainer. Train your dog in a place where there are little or no distractions to allow your him to concentrate on your commands. Some dogs have short attention spans and a little noise can divert their attention away from you. They will also not be able to hear or recognize your voice if you train them in a noisy environment.

After making sure that the environment is right for training, say the command "sit" and gently push your dog towards the floor in its sitting position. Give him a treat after this and do it repeatedly until he understands that once he hears the word "sit", he has to be in a position in which his rear side is in contact with the ground. Practice this command over and over again and when he finally grasps it, you can proceed with teaching him other commands. Training you dog will not only be beneficial for you but for the entire community as well.

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